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1.) Kindred Spirit
2.) Hands of Love
3.) Le Velour, le Satin et la Soie
4.) Lovesong from the Mountains
5.) Sound of Invisible Waters
6.) Language of Silence
7.) Vollmond im Herbst
8.) Escape from Gravity
Dearest Zema is the album "In Trance" & "Fantasiereisen" not possible to download from Rapidshare ?
Also new album of deuter is out. It's called Spiritual Healing.
1. Das Tao, Das Man Zeigen Kann... 3:32
2. Das Tao Ist Wie Ein Brunnen 6:37
3. Wer Selber Leuchten Will 2:14
4. Es Gibt Etwas Formlos Vollendetes 8:06
5. Du Mchtest Die Welt Besseren 6:14
6. Wer Andere Kennt, Ist Klug... 3:02
7. Das Tao Macht Nie Etwas 4:44
8. Wenn Du Nach Anderen Blickst... 8:15
9. Der Weise Wirkt, Ohne Etwas Zu Tun 3:15
10. Betrachte Des Kleine Als Gro 11:08
11. Das Weichste berwindet Das Hrteste Der Welt 3:29
12. Wahre Worte Sind Nicht Schn 1:41
A culmination of Deuter's many years of recording, this album distills the centered essence of Deuter's hallmark style anew. Tranquility is renewed and time slows as these inspired melodies transport the listener to angelic realms.
01: Along the High Ridges
02: Wind in Bamboo
03: Lavender Fields
04: Village Moon
05: Warm the New Dawn Sun
06: Dawn Mist – the Temple
07: Night Jasmine
Label: New Earth Records
Release Date: 2008
Genre: New Age
Track List:
1.Along the High Ridges 11:29 min.
2.Wind in Bamboo 8:13 min.
3.Lavender Fields 11:28 min.
4.Village Moon 5:00 min.
5.Warm the New Dawn Sun 7:06 min.
6.Dawn Mist – the Temple 7:27 min.
7.Night Jasmine 11:56 min.
A culmination of Deuter's many years of recording, this album distills the centered essence of Deuter's hallmark style anew. Tranquility is renewed and time slows as these inspired melodies transport the listener to angelic realms.
Mystical and inviting, Atmospheres gently envelopes and embraces you in a blanket of musical color. From the peaceful, guiding notes of the piano to the sonorous strings of the cello to the interwoven sounds of nature, Deuter has once again created an stirringly beautiful album that is sure to entrance and calm the soul. Stroll through the landscapes of Deuter’s musical masterpiece and find yourself in enchanted and blissful serenity. ~newearthrecords.com~
Track List
Track 1: Uno time 5:55 min.
Track 2: Deux time 6:23 min.
Track 3: Drei time 6:34 min.
Track 4: Four time 7:00 min.
Track 5: Cinque time 6:56 min.
Track 6: Sei time 4:41 min.
Track 7: Sieben time 6:00 min.
Track 8: Huit time 8:42 min.
Track 9: Nine time 6:42 min.
Track 10: Dieci time 5:45 min.
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