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Track List:
1: Kindred Spirit time 8:15
2: Hands of Love time 4:33
3: Koyasan time 8:34
4: Lovesong from the Mountains time 8:00
5: Sound of Invisible Waters time 9:33
6: Language of Silence time 10:10
7: Vollmond in Herbst time 5:43
8: Escape from Gravity time 8:20
Deuter puts his entire palette of musical abilities on display on Koyasan.This CD incorporates a global mixture of instruments, including the Chinese erhu, Japanese shakuhachi flute, East Indian tamboura and Tibetan bowls, as well as shimmering keyboard textures. Deuter takes the listener on a serene, mystical voyage through a variety of peaceful soundscapes with a relaxed and soothing pace. The music is soothing, contemplative and intimate.
Информация отSwami Bodhi: _____________________________
1. Gratitude 3:23
2. Call of the unknown 5:02
3. Silence is the answer part 6 5:45
4. My best friend is a Buddha 5:29
5. Aus der stille 1:53
6. As far as the ear can listen 4:33
7. Song of the heart 2:11
8. Dawn 3:45
9. Loving a Buddha part 1 2:13
10. Loving a Buddha part 2 4:09
11. Silence is the answer part 1 5:52
12. Silence is the answer part 4 5:48
13. Silence is the answer part 5 1:04
14. Devine dust 5:45
15. Silence is the answer part 3 6:18
16. I take rest 3:50
17. Ananda nada 1:10
Recorded in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2001. "The mind cannot become the Buddha. The body cannot become the Buddha. Only what cannot become the Buddha can become the Buddha." Philosophical paradoxes crop up throughout the liner notes for BUDDHA NATURE, an attempt by Deuter to musically examine the elusive notion of stillness. More abstract, but no less soothing than his other albums, BUDDHA NATURE finds Deuter often burying melody in electronic soundscapes, most clearly on the 28-minute "Illumination."
Georg Deuter is "a musical shaman (and) a priest of silence and sound. Terra Magica: Planet of Light is his pan-cultural prayer." That is what the liner notes of this CD claim -- and they are accurate. This is a homage to hope and spiritual strength. Deuter takes his shamanic calling seriously and invokes his spirituality freely. He does not, however, take himself too seriously, so he is able to show his playful side. These atmospheres are deep, joyous, and carefree. The message is clear and direct. There are no missing pieces.
1. Flowers Of The Amazon
2. Tree Of Light
3. Afrique
4. Heaven & Earth
5. Chi
6. Night In Ubud
7. Grey Wolf
8. Magic Island
9. Shen
10. City Of Light
01 - From Here To There
02 - Gratitude
03 - Starchild
04 - Meadows And Mystics
05 - Connemara
06 - Waves And Dolphins
07 - Spirales
08 - Song Of My Heart
09 - Sun On My Face
10 - Echo Of The East
11 - Petite Fleur
12 - La Ilaha Il Allah
13 - Le Ciel Est Bleu
14 - Peru Le Peru
Basho s Pond
Cosmic Dreams
Earth Blue
Garden Of The Gods
Nada Himalaya
Nirvana Road
Osho Dynamic Meditation
Osho Gourishankar Meditation
Osho Kundalini Meditation
Osho Mandala Meditation
Osho Nadabrahma
Osho Nataraj Meditation
Osho Whirling Meditation
Reiki Wellness
Sands of Time
Sea and Silence
Silence is The Answer
Sufi Breathing
Sun Spirit
Tibet - Nada Himalaya 2
Wind & Mountains
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