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или "Мистерия за пределами Троицы". Учение аватара Даттатреи-авадхуты, поведанное аватару Парашураме.
"Йога-рахасья", или "Мистерия йоги". Учение аватара Даттатреи-авадхуты, поведанное царю Аларке.
"Йога-шастра", или "Учение йоги". Учение аватара Даттатреи-авадхуты, поведанное святому мудрецу Санкрити.
"Авадхута-гита". Учение аватара Даттатреи-авадхуты, монолог о бескомпромиссной недвойственности (адвайте).
"Дживанмукта-гита". Учение аватара Даттатреи-авадхуты, монолог о природе дживанмукты – освобождённого при жизни.
Шри Ганапати Сатчидананда Свамиджи.
Датта Даршанам. Неисчерпаемые истории о Даттатрее
Издательство: М: Сфера
2002 г.
Твердый переплет
ISBN 5-93975-098-2
Свами Венкатесананда.
Йога Вашишта.
Истории извлеченные из англоязычного перевода Свами Венкатесананды.
Vasistha’s Yoga by Swami Venkatesananda,
State University of New York Press, 1993.
Сведенья о англоязычных переводах "Йога Васиштха".
Сведенья об ученике Шри Шивананды - Свами Венкатешананде.
An English Translation from the Sanskrit Original
Sri Ramanasramam
Tiruvannamalai 606 603
ISBN: 81-88018-45-7
Price: Rs.
Published by
V.S. Ramanan
Sri Ramanasramam
Tiruvannamalai 606 603
Tamil Nadu
The Yoga-Vasistha of Valmiki : Sanskrit Text and English Translation/edited and Revised with Introduction by Ravi Prakash Arya. English Translation According to Vihari Lal Mitra. Reprint. Delhi, Parimal, 2000, 4 Volumes, 2402 p., ISBN 81-7110-151-9. [Parimal Sanskrit Series No. 49].
Contents: Vol. I: Vairagya-Prakarana, Mumuksu-Prakarana, Utpatti-Prakarana.
Vol. II: Sthiti-Prakarana, Upasama-Prakarana
Vol. III: Nirvana-Prakarana, Purvardha
Vol. IV: Nirvana-Prakarana, Uttrardha
"The Yoga or contemplative philosophy of the Hindus is rich, exuberant, grand and sublime, in as much as it comprehends within its ample sphere and deep recesses of meditation, all that is of the greatest value, best interest and highest importance to mankind as physical, moral, intellectual and spiritual beings-a knowledge of the cosmos-of the physical and intellectual worlds.
"The principal Gods Brahma and Siva are represented as Yogis, the chief sages Vyasa, Valmiki, Vasistha and Yajnavalkya were propounders of Yoga systems; the saints one and all were adepts in Yoga. Yogavasistha is the greatest work of the Yoga-philosophy by Valmiki, known by several names, e.g. Maharamayana, Arsaramayana,Vasistharamayana, Jnanavasistha etc. This work has six chapter known as prakaranas as 1. Vairagya prakarana. 2. Mumuksu vyahara prakarana. 3. Utpatti prakarana. 4. Sthiti prakarana. 5. Upasama prakarana. 6. Nirvana prakarana.
"The present edition of the translator Vihari Lal Mitra comes from a Bengali background, his dicta is sometimes found impressed with Bengali accent. This is why, he has written sattva as sottva, arghya as orghya, asattva as asuttva, etc. At all such places, a correct rendering of spellings has been made by the present editor without having leaned to Bengali accent. The translator has mistaken Samadhi for hypnotism, hence to avoid confusion Samadhi has been rendered as Samadhi for lack of any synonym thereof. Since this and other Yogic terms are peculiar to Sanskrit and they don't have their exact equivalances in other languages of the world. The old English usage sometimes takes its course in the translation in land so the present editor has replaced all such usages by the modest terms available in English language. Some stanzas were also not translated there according to Sanskrit text of Nirnaya Sagar Edition. So, for the benefit of the readers those have been translated by editor.
"The most conspicuous feature of the present edition is that it contains the Sanskrit text in original alongwith the English translation complete in all respects. Hope the present edition would be capable of fulfilling the long felt and most ardent need of the readers and researchers." (jacket)
Swami Venkatesananda
The Supreme Yoga : Yoga Vasistha/translated by Swami Venkatesananda. Reprint. New Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 2003, xviii, 382 p., (hbk). ISBN 81-208-1975-6.
Contents: Introduction. 1. Vairagya Prakaranam : section dealing with dispassion. 2. Mumuksu Vyavahara Prakaranam : the behaviour of the seeker. 3. Utpatti Prakaranam : section dealing with creation. 4. Sthiti Prakaranam : section dealing with existence. 5. Upasama Prakaranam : section dealing with dissolution. 6. Nirvana Prakaranam : section dealing with liberation. Thus spake Vasistha. Index.
"The Yoga Vasistha has been a favourite book of spiritual seekers in India these several centuries. Its special appeal lies in its thoroughly rational approach, and in its presentation of Vedanta as a philosophy to bridge the gulf between the secular and the sacred, action and contemplation, in human life, through a comprehensive and lofty spirituality.
"This monumental scripture is the greatest help to the spiritual awakening and the direct experience of the truth. This is certain. If this is what you want, you are welcome to the Yoga Vasistha.
"An oft-recurring expression in this scripture is 'kakataliya'-a crow alights on the coconut palm tree and at that very moment a ripe coconut falls. The two unrelated events thus seem to be related in time and space, though there is no causal relationship.
"Such is life. Such is 'creation'. But the mind caught up in its own trap of logic questions why, invents a 'why' and a 'wherefore' to satisfy itself, conveniently ignoring the inconvenient questions that still haunt an intelligent mind.
"Vasistha demands direct observation of the mind, its motion, its notions, its reasoning, the assumed cause and the projected result, and even the observer, the observed and the observation-and the realisation of their indivisible unity as the infinite consciousness." (jacket)
Текст "Йоги Васиштхи" планируется к выпуску в издательстве Ганга,
правда когда и чей будет это перевод и с какого издания, - пока непонятно. Но в анонсе книг издательства это отмечено.
Вышло в свет второе интернет-издание "Йоги Васиштхи" Свами Венкатесананды, перевод с английского, исправленное и дополненное.
Исправления касаются главным образом транскрипций санскритских имен и названий, которые теперь все приведены в соответствие с общепринятыми нормами. Также добавлены небольшие отрывки, опущенные в первом издании - описание методов пранаямы в "Сказке о Бхушунде" и диалог министров в "Сказке о Випашчите".
А ТАКЖЕ - Перевод Йоги Васиштхи с САНСКРИТА! На санскрите Йога Васиштха гораздо длиннее (примерно в 3 раза) и гораздо подробнее. Йога Васиштха - огромная по размерам работа, считающаяся одной из самых больших книг в мире. По прогнозам, полный перевод займет несколько лет. На данный момент полностью переведены первые две книги.
В санскритском оригинале - 6 книг. Закончен перевод первых двух книг
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Закончен перевод и редакция книги третьей Йоги Васиштхи, перевод с санскрита полноразмерного оригинала.
Отредактированный перевод с санскрита книги третьей Утпатти Пракарана Маха-Рамаяны Шри Васиштхи, ведущей к Освобождению, рассказанной божественным посланником и записанной Валмики доступен для скачивания и некоммерческого использования без изменения содержания https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=f0f0c0a4f60da257&resid=F0F0C0A4F60DA257!300&parid=F0F0C0A4F60DA257!174
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