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[New Age, Meditative] Lex van Someren [Collection]
Lex shows a development of delicately inter-weaving indigenous rhythms with serene elements.
Ayam brings together the poles of Power and Peace, leading the listener to those elements within. Mystical music, inviting us to celebrate and dance. The transcendental quality of Lex´s voice has the power to open sacred spaces within. This album is a musical alchemy of vocals and instruments, like: didgeridoo, guitar, flute, sax, trumpet, percussion and gongs, In several songs Lex has put the entrancing depth and power of the “Ayam”- mantra into a profoundly orchestrated music which evokes a spirit of reverence, wonder and delight.
mp3 @ 192Kbps
65:05 min
89.5 Mb
TrackList : 1. Global Anthem
2. Transparent Waltz
3. Echoes of Ayam I
4. Norwegian Prayer
5. Ashq Ayam part I
6. Ashq Ayam part II
7. Born in the Heart
8. Warm Hands
9. Shangrila (radio mix)
10. Blue Lotus
11. And the door opens
12. Echoes of Ayam II
Lex van Someren - Music For Meditation Vol.1 (2000)
Lex van Someren has delicately composed and arranged the sounds, harmonies and overtones of vocals, choirs and instruments into a sacred music that opens up to the higher dimensions of the soul.
This is a high-quality CD for meditation, healing work, shamanic inner journeys and as background music for guided visualisations and meditations.
A listener writes about this CD: „Sounds transform into pure energy - a musical flow of magical vibrations that embrace and carry me, so that I and the vibration are ONE.“
Данный альбом вобрал в себя гармоничную смесь множества стилей, от монгольской, кельтской, африканской, до индейской и карибской направлений музыки. Прослушивание музыки этого альбома, пробуждает чистую радость жизни и приглашает слушателя в царство танца и мечты.
Год/Year: 2008
Лейбл/Label: Ayam Music
Жанр/Genre: New Age, Ethnic,Tribal
Формат/Format: mp3 @ 320 Kbps
Время/Playtime: 1:08:19
Размер/Size: 159 Mb
01. Rhythm On Fire (8:07)
02. Moongroove (6:23)
03. Gaia Walk (6:29)
04. Thunder Drum (6:55)
05. Oriental Full Moon (3:21)
06. Oriental Bliss (6:08)
07. Awakening (6:44)
08. Mongolian Hоrse Ride (8:46)
09. Pari Passu (5:23)
10. O-Daiko Drum Solo (6:08)
11. Morning Raggae (3:55)
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