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Bahram was born in 1952 in the Kurdish city of Kermanshah in Persia. As a child he heard the ancient Sufi melodies, which are the inspiration for his music today.
At the age of 13 he learned to play the Santoor and started to perform at several places in his hometown.
In 1977 he left Persia, studied and travelled in India and later on in Europe.
Through playing whirling music for wanderers from different cultures, his style has changed from the traditional approach to his own. He melts old songs into a new form, creating a meditative
sphere, to uplift body and soul. Bahram’s instrument is the Persian Santoor, a traditional string instrument, which is said to create the sound of emptiness. Besides the Santoor, he started to play the Persian Settar and the Ney; a Persian bamboo flute.
He also started to sing songs using the words of mystical poets like Rumi.
His first album “Sama” was released in 1997 in Holland.
After living and performing in India for a long period, he discovered the island of Ibiza in Spain in 2003.
There he met many other musicians, DJ’s and producers who inspired him to change his style.
In 2004 he made the album “Call of the Mystic” together with different musicians in an ethno/ambient style. The past 3 years he has been playing and recording in Ibiza during summer and spending the winters in India, performing, recording and getting inspired by Indian and other musicians.
His music is a special combination between the ancient and traditional, connecting with the modern and technical Most of the lyrics of his songs are based on Rumi’s and other mystical poetry, the tracks carry an urban vibe rooted in meditation.
Fusion is the word to describe this music, but actually a new word needs to be found, because he has taken it to a whole new level. It has the energy to carry a power flow. The length of the songs allows a deep, slow driving bass line to hypnotize you as melodic Santoor and other instruments carry you to other places. Yet this is not meditation music, it has incredible energy. Bahramji and friends have made not only a great listening experience but also have created something magical.
myway, спасибо, хороший альбом , самое оно ... По правде сказать, качал я его без малого 7 часов при скорости около 3 Кб/с, да ещё и с постоянными обрывами . А посему для тех, кто испытывает подобные проблемы с files.ariom.ru , рекомендую :
Sufiyan – вторая работа суфийского последователя Bahramji (Bahram Pourmand) в сотрудничестве с продюсером и ди-джеем Mashti (Mads Nordheim). Данный альбом представляет из себя смесь, музыки Суфиев с такими муз.жанрами, как ambient и electronic.
Год/Year: 2009
Лейбл/Label: Blue Flame Records
Жанр/Genre: World Fusion, Ambient
Формат/Format: FLAC / mp3 @ 320 Kbps
Размер/Size: 344 Mb / 148 Mb
Время/Playtime: 00:58:45
Сканы/Scans: 300 dpi
01. Being With You (7:04)
02. Awareness (7:30)
03. Blue Nile (6:24)
04. Come My Love (Bia Jane) (5:45)
05. Faithfulness (6:59)
06. Heartbeat (3:54)
07. Inner Beauty (4:57)
08. Midnight (4:40)
09. Desire (Setare) (5:19)
10. Lovers (6:05)
Новый диск Bahramji в соавторстве с Mashti "Divaneh" - этноэлектроника в лучших традициях жанра
01. Celebration 07:19
02. Butterfly 06:29
03. Let It Go 05:52
04. All About You 04:56
05. Caravaan 04:58
06. About God 06:26
07. Divaneh 06:17
08. Dooset Daram 05:22
09. Transformation 06:04
10. Atal Matal 04:50
11. Without You 05:08
12. Zibah 06:25
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