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Музыка к кинофильмам / Soundtracks (OST)

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[New Age, OST] Powaqqatsi, Koyaanisqatsi, Naqoyqatsi

Philip Glass - (1988) - Powaqqatsi OST

Формат: mp3, 101Mb, 476kbps

Саундтрек к фильму Годфри Реджио Powaqqatsi. Композитор - Филип Гласс.

01 Serra Pelada
02 The Title
03 Anthem - Part 1
04 That Place
05 Anthem - Part 2
06 Mosque and Temple
07 Anthem - Part 3
08 Train To Sao Paulo
09 Video Dream
10 New Cities In Ancient Lands, C
11 New Cities In Ancient Lands, A
12 New Cities In Ancient Lands, I
13 The Unutterable
15 Mr Suso #1
16 From Egypt
17 Mr Suso #2
18 Powaqqatsi

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Po-waq-qa-tsi (from the Hopi language, powaq sorcerer + qatsi life) n., an entity, a way of life, that consumes the life forces of other beings in order to further its own life.

Philip Glass - (1983) - Koyaanisqatsi OST

Формат: mp3, 63,6Mb, 475kbps

1. Koyaanisqatsi
2. Vessels
3. Cloudscape
4. Pruit Igoe
5. The Grid
6. Prophecies

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Ko-Yaa-Nis-Katsi (From The Hopi Language) 1. Crazy Life. 2. Life In Turmoil. 3. Life Disintegrating. 4. Life Out Of Balance. 5. A State Of Life That Calls For Another Way Of Living.

Philip Glass - (2000) - Naqoyqatsi OST

With NAQOYQTASI, Godfrey Reggio's "Qatsi" trilogy is finally completed. As each of the films was imbued with a distinct visual language, the music in like manner follows a development characteristic and distinctive to each film.

The score for KOYAANISQATSI (1982) grew out of the instrumental style typical of the ensemble of keyboards, winds, and voice for which I had been composing for softie years. The movement of the film from the organic images of the American Southwest to the hi-tech accelerated life of modern North American cities was reflected in my version of a modern synthesized music.

With POWAQQATSI (1987), we see the indigenous communities of the Southern Hemisphere impacted by rapid transformation through its encounters with the Northern industrialized world. Accordingly, one hears echoes of India, Africa, and South America in this 'world music' score. The use of percussion instruments from around the world further enhance this impression.

In NAQOYQATSI (2002), Reggio turns to a visual language heavily dependent on digital, synthesized images. With this film, the "civilized violence" in the narrative of the film goes beyond anything seen in the two preceding films. In this case, I chose a contrasting language for the music, "composing music for a large (acoustic) symphonic ensemble featuring a solo cello throughout. My instinct was to balance the quite startling effect of the synthetically composed images with a sound world of "natural" timbres. Furthermore, the solo cello — played superbly by Yo-Yo Ma - qickly emerges as the "voice" of the music, lending the score an overall human dimension.

The score was composed in eight large sections, which made the present adaptation to CD a fairly straightforward affair, the music faithfully following the structure of the film. Of course, no multimedia experience, as presented in Reggio's Qatsi Trilogy, can be represented completely in one medium alone. However, I feel quite pleased that, through a process of editing and re-mixing, this soundtrack version conveys as faithfully as possible the sense of the film.
-Philip Glass

With NAQOYQATSI, Philip Glass completes an effort of twenty-five years, writing the scores for the Qatsi Trilogy. In doing so, he makes an original contribution to the progression of cinema: music that stands as co-equal with image. In effect, Glass has created a genre, of film that stands apart - CONCERT CINEMA - a form whereby the score becomes the emotive narrative of the film. Unlike its companion scores (KOYAANISQATSI and POWAQQATSI), NAQOYQATSI is unrelentingly acoustic, bringing a human presence to moving images that are digitally painful in their representation of sanctioned terror and civilized violence - the global technological order.

To realize this task, Glass has written a musical utterance for renowned cellist, Yo-Yo Ma. In his interpretation of the score, Yo-Yo Ma's performance stands as the emotive voice of NAQOYQATSI.

Without a word, his strings bring inspiration and grace to a narrative that is beyond the ability of language to articulate. The vision of NAQOYQATSI is a world where union is held in the vice of technological homogenization; an order at war with old nature, where unity is held in the mystery of diversity. From the point of view of the film, untellable is our world at war beyond the battlefield, a conflagration between Old nature and new nature, a total war, the war of ordinary daily living. To articulate such intenseness, Yo-Yo Ma's voice touches in a place beyond rationality and story. His utterance reaches to that space between words, to the spirit, where feelings can touch the soul.

In this, their first collaboration, Philip Glass and Yo-Yo Ma have created an artistic plateau akin to a force of nature. Their presence, the score, is analogous to oxygen, always present, giving life to the vision of NAQOYQATSI.

Формат: mp3, 105Mb, 476kbps

1. Naqoyqatsi
2. Primacy of number
3. Massman
4. New World
5. Religion
6. Media Weather
7. Old World
8. Intensive Time
9. Point Blank
10. The Vivid Unknown
11. Definition

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Последний раз редактировалось: Alameda (15 12 2006, 17:04), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
08 12 2006, 22:30 Отзывы :: URL сообщения
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Откуда: Москва
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[Soundtracks] Фильмы Ким Ки Дука

Spring, summer, fall, winter... and spring
Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom - OST

Композитор: Bark Ji-Woong
Формат: mp3, 320 kbps, rar, 151mb

01 - Piano Concerto - Main Theme
02 - Vocalise
03 - Cant Forget Her
04 - Sad Amore
05 - First Love
06 - Endless Sky
07 - Crying In The Wind
08 - Letter of Tears
09 - Cloudy Dream
10 - Lonely Diary
11 - Farewell
12 - Dead Fish
13 - Sadness
14 - Lonely Prayer
15 - Love Theme1
16 - Heavenly Tear
17 - Last Breath
18 - Farewell - Vocalise Version
19 - Spring Summer Fall Winter and Spring
20 - Mercy
21 - Sick Girl
22 - Foggy Mountain
23 - Love Theme Repraise
24 - End Credit
25 - Martial Art Training
26 - Frustration
27 - Bonus Track - Oasis Lovetechno Dance Mix

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Ссылки по теме:
Фильм: «Весна, лето, осень, зима... и снова весна» в разделе «Проект Zen-фильм» >>>
Мнения экспертов о фильме «Весна, лето, осень, зима... и снова весна» в разделе «Zen-фильм: наше кино» >>>

(предоставлена thorny)
Тема восхождения на гору "как есть", так, как она звучит в фильме:
- для всех страждущих и заинтригованных. Если кто-нибудь найдет "чистый" звук и поделится им и информацией, будет очень здорово Улыбаюсь

The Bow / Hwal - OST

Композитор: Kang Eun Il
Альбом: Ancient Futures - Haegeum Solo
Инструмент: Haegeum
Формат: mp3, 192 kbps, zip, 42mb

Обложка альбома:

О композиторе и инструменте:
Haegum is a Korean string instrument which has been around since the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392). Composed of a body with two strings, a horsehair bow is used to produce sounds by moving the bow between the strings. Haegum creates calm and gentle as well as powerful tones. Due to its variety of tones (almost two octaves) and expressions, it is regarded as a highly versatile instrument. Haegum played a prominent role in Korean court ensemble and ceremonial music in the past. These days, Haegum is regarded as the most adaptable instrument among the Korean instruments, which can be used in various genres, including Western classical, jazz and new age to create a whole new style of music.

About Haegum Performer Kang Eun Il - Kang Eun Il is one of the most talented Haegum players, who is well versed in several styles. As a versatile musician, she has broadened the scope of the Haegum. She blends Korean music with various kinds of music and has performed with distinguished musicians and orchestras both at home and abroad. Her music shows how even unfamiliar instruments can be harmonized. Her interest in Korean music began when she entered the Gukak (Korean Music) High School. Since she also plays the violin, she is adept at combining Western music (like jazz) with the unique Korean rhythm and Haegum tones. Her music can be defined as experimental and modern with a basis in tradition. Therefore, even audiences who may not be familiar with Haegum can easily feel comfortable with her music. Today, Haegum will be combined with sounds of the piano, classic guitar, bass and percussion.

01 - Cho soo dae yup (Chosudaeyeop)
02 - Bi eh jut jeun hae geum (A wet haegum with rain)
03 - Wongijarang (Cheju lullaby)
04 - Hey Ya!
05 - Oh rae dwen mi rae (Ancient futures)
06 - Fade out
07 - Bi sang (Soaring)
08 - Nal geun ma roo ba dak (Old floor)
09 - Ladakh eh yuh in (Ladakh's women)

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P.S. Немного позже постараюсь перевести текст о композиторе и инструменте на русский язык.

Haegum – корейский струнный инструмент, известный со времен династии Goryeo (918 – 1392 гг). Состоит из корпуса, на котором крепятся две струны, и смычка из конского волоса, который перемещают между струнами для получения звука. Инструмент издает спокойные и нежные тона наравне с мощными и пронизывающими. Из-за такого разнообразия и выразительности Haegum считается высоко универсальным инструментом. Он играл видную роль в обычной и церемониальной музыке Кореи в прошлом. В наши дни Haegum считается сымым приспосабливаемым среди корейских инструментов, который может использоваться в различных жанрах: классическом, джазе, New Age и т.д., для создания нового музыкального стиля и звучания.

Об исполнителе
Kang Eun Il – одна из самых талантливых игроков на Haegum, хорошо сведущая в различных стилях. Как универсальный музыкант она расширила возможности инструмента. Она смешивает корейскую музыку с различными стилями мировой музыки и выступает с выдающимися музыкантами и оркестрами дома и за границей. Ее музыка показывает как неродственные друг другу инструменты могут играть согласованно, в гармонии. Интерес к корейской музыке появился у Kang Eun Il, когда она начала обучаться в музыкальной школе корейской музыки Gukak. Так как она также играет на скрипке, она имеет большой опыт по части объединения западной музыки (например джаза или рока) с уникальными корейскими ритмами. (Прим.: В чем можно убедиться, прослушав 4й трек. :) ) Ее музыка может быть определена и как экспериментальная, и как современная, основанная на корейских традициях. Поэтому даже слушатели, которые не знакомы с Haegum, чувствуют себя комфортно при прослушивании ее музыки. На сегодняшний день Haegum успешно объединяется со звуками фортепьяно, классической гитары, баса и ударными.

Приятного прослушивания. :)

Последний раз редактировалось: Zenn (15 12 2006, 03:23), всего редактировалось 4 раз(а)
13 12 2006, 23:32 Отзывы :: URL сообщения
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[Instrumental] Yann Tiersen - Amelie (2001)

Yann Tiersen - Amelie [soundtrack] (2001)

Саундтрек к фильму Амели
Гарантирую, безумные гармошки Янна Тирсена порвут вас изнутри.
С вами будет то же самое, что и со мной. Сколько лет прошло, а всё не отпускает.

Исполнитель: Yann Tiersen
Альбом: Amelie [soundtrack]
Год выпуска: 2001
Формат: mp3, 192 kbps

01 - J'y Suis Jamais Alle.mp3
02 - Les Jours Tristes (Instrumental).mp3
03 - La Valse D'Amelie.mp3
04 - Comptine D'un Autre Ete (L'aprиs Midi).mp3
05 - La Noyee.mp3
06 - L'autre Valse D'Amelie.mp3
07 - G. Khan - Guilty.mp3
08 - A Quai.mp3
09 - Le Moulin.mp3
10 - Pas Si Simple.mp3
11 - La Valse D'Amelie (Version Orchestre).mp3
12 - La Valse Des Vieux Os.mp3
13 - La Dispute.mp3
14 - P. Bayle - Si Tu N'etais Pas Lа (Frehel).mp3
15 - Soir De Fete.mp3
16 - La Redecouverte.mp3
17 - Sur Le Fil.mp3
18 - La Banquet.mp3
19 - La Valse D'Amelie (Version Piano).mp3
20 - La Valse Des Monstres.mp3
21 - L'autre Valse D'Amelie (Version Quatuor а Cordes Et Pia.mp3
22 - Les Deux Pianos.mp3
23 - Comptine D'un Autre Ete (La Demarche).mp3
24 - La Maison.mp3

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Yann Tiersen - Amelie, часть 1 (rar, 49 Mb)
Yann Tiersen - Amelie, часть 2 (rar, 42 Mb)

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Yann Tiersen / Янн Тирсен
26 03 2007, 07:56 URL сообщения
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Музыка к кинофильмам / Soundtracks (OST)

Soundtrack - The Fountain (Фонтан)

Artist: Clint Mansell (Performed by Kronos Quartet and Mogwai)
Quality: ~ 233 kbit (VBR), 44100 Hz Stereo
File size: 77.97 Mb
Original Release Date: November 21, 2006
Label: Nonesuch

The Fountain is a layered, often beautiful score from composer Clint Mansell. The disc seamlessly moves from ambient drones to plaintive piano music to slowly percolating minimalist stuff to hugely swelling strings. Mansell, who's collaborated with director Aronofsky before, uses almost anything from the minor-key sonic palette available to him, with the exception of the mopey yuppie-folk and instantly dated electronica so often thrown into films. Mansell's own group, the superlative Kronos Quartet, is joined by Scottish noise act Mogwai. The use of such an arty, detuned guitar rock band as Mogwai in a big time movie soundtrack might seem weird, though of course Explosions in the Sky's work on Friday Night Lights was a harbinger. It's too soon to tell if this is an outright classic of soundtrack music in the realm of Goblin's Suspiria, John Carpenter's Escape from New York, or Popol Vuh's Aguirre. But it is definitely a subtle, melancholic work you'll want to revisit often.
~ Mike McGonigal

For the soundtrack to writer-director Darren Aronofsky's long-awaited sci-fi epic, The Fountain, Kronos Quartet reunites with composer Clint Mansell. The had previously collaborated on the haunting score for Aronofsky's Requiem For A Dream.

01 The Last Man
02 Holy Dread!
03 Tree of Life
04 Stay With Me
05 Death is a Disease
06 Xibalba
07 First Snow
08 Finish It
09 Death is the Road to Awe
10 Together We Will Live Forever

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Soundtrack - Babel (Вавилон)

Original Release Date: November 21, 2006
Label: Concord Records

As its title suggests, Mexican director Alejandro González Iñárritu's film revolves around the transcultural difficulties of human communication. But the linguistic dysfunction that drives the film's characters towards causal connection and inevitable tragedy has paradoxically inspired just the opposite on this adventurous musical mélange of a soundtrack. The meditative, often hypnotic fretboard inventions of Iñárritu's previous soundtrack collaborator, Argentine composer Gustavo Santaolalla (a 2005 Oscar winner for Brokeback Mountain), serve as the restless soul of interlocking plots in the film, the final chapter of a fatalistic trilogy that also includes the Santaolalla-scored Amores Perros and 21 Grams.

But on this expanded, double-disc collection, the South American composer's culture-bending film cues (including mastery of indigenous Arab stringed instruments and incorporating field recordings of Moroccan tribal music) also serve as artistic axes, reflective anchor points for a pop collection that's as ambitious and far-ranging as the film itself. While the "music from and inspired by" tag often indicates cynical record company marketing schemes, here it's an invitation to transcultural musical adventure that links Santaolalla's North African musical conjuring with the contemporary styles of Japan (the atmospherics of Ryuichi Sakamoto and Susumu Yolota, Shinichi Osawa's sly Earth, Wind & Fire/Fatboy Slim mashup, the teen pop of Takashi Fujii's "Oh My Juliet") and Tijuana (a generous sampling of effusive Norteño that includes Los Incomparables, Daniel Luna, and Agua Caliente).
~ Jerry McCulley


CD 1:
01. Tazarine (1:46)
02. Tu Me Acostumbraste - Chavela Vargas (2:42)
03. September / The Joker (Shinichi Osawa Remix) - Earth Wind & Fire / Fatboy Slim (6:30)
04. Deportation / Iguazu (4:49)
05. World Citizen - I Won’t Be Dissapointed / Looped Piano - David Sylvian, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Amadeo Pace, Keigo Oyamada & Sketch Show (5:47)
06. Cumbia Sobre El Rio - Blanquito Man, Control Machete & Carlos Peсa Y Su Ronda Bogota (4:42)
07. Hiding It (2:07)
08. Materpiece - Rip Slyme (4:20)
09. Dester Bus Ride (1:55)
10. Bibo No Aozora / Endless Fight / Babel - Ryuichi Sakamoto, Jaques Morelenbaum & Everton Nelson / Gustavo Santaolalla / Gustavo Santaolalla (11:25)
11. Tribal (2:29)
12. Para Que Regreses - El Chapo (3:17)
13. Babel - Nortec Collective (3:20)
14. Amelia Desert Morning (1:22)
15. Jugo A La Vida - Los Tucanes De Tijuana (3:50)
16. Breathing Soul (1:20)
17. The Blinding Sun (1:57)

CD 2:
01. Only Love Can Conquer Hate - Ryuichi Sakamoto (9:43)
02. El Panchangon - Los Incomparables (4:05)
03. Two Worlds, One Heart (2:11)
04. The Phone Call (0:25)
05. Gekkoh (4:52)
06. The Catch (0:54)
07. Mujer Hermosa - Los Incomparables (3:36)
08. Into The Wild (2:55)
09. Look Inside (0:47)
10. The Master (6:13)
11. Oh My Juliet! - Takashi Fujii (4:35)
12. Prayer (0:54)
13. El Besito Cachicurris - Daniel Luna (3:37)
14. Walking In Tokyo (1:31)
15. The Visitors - Hamza El Din (4:57)
16. Morning Pray (2:06)
17. Mi Adoracion - Agua Caliente (3:33)
18. The Skin Of The Earth (2:51)
19. Bibo No Aozora / 04 - Ryuichi Sakamoto, Jaques Morelenbaum & Yuichiro Gotoh (7:15)

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SoundTrack - Mulholland Drive (Малхолланд Драйв)

Original Release Date: February 24, 2004
Label: Milan Records
Format: mp3, VBR, 44100Hz
Size: 84,1 Мб

Original score composed by Angelo Badalamenti & David Lynch. Performed by The City Of Prague Philharmonic, conducted by Angelo Badalamenti. David Lynch's 2001 movie MULHOLLAND DRIVE once again highlights the director's ability to use music as an integral part of a film. With longtime collaborator Angelo Badalamenti, Lynch returns to his American film noir roots and to a series of haunting soundscapes. Lynch and Badalamenti create a perfectly woven, ethereal tapestry. Stark and ominous orchestral snippets bookend Roy Orbison's "Crying," which is sung a cappella in Spanish by Rebekah Del Rio. Other musical treats include Willie Dixon's "Bring It On Home" as performed by Sonny Boy Williamson, and the little-known Hammerstein/Kern tune "I've Told Every Little Star" as sung by Linda Scott in a sweet, youthful voice. MULHOLLAND DRIVE is an elaborate tale of suspense, set against the bizarre backdrop of the Hollywood Hills. Not surprisingly, Lynch and Badalamenti explore the city's schizophrenic nature through compositions of equal oddity. Badalamenti's smart yet far-out arrangements (performed by the City of Prague Philharmonic) effectively capture the radiance of this uncanny film.


CD 2:
01. Jitterbug [0:01:27.29]
02. Mulholland Drive [0:04:16.04]
03. Rita Walks / Sunset Boulevard / Aunt Ruth [0:01:55.66]
04. Diner [0:04:16.36]
05. Mr. Roque / Betty’s Theme [0:04:06.64]
06. The Beast [0:02:29.66]
07. Bring It On Home [0:02:39.80]
08. I’ve Told Every Little Star [0:02:17.00]
09. Dwarfland / Love Theme [0:12:14.33]
10. Silencio [0:04:27.53]
11. Llorando (Crying) [0:03:32.02]
12. Pretty 5os [0:03:02.70]
13. Go Get Some [0:07:09.40]
14. Diane and Camilla [0:04:48.60]
15. Dinner Party Pool Music [0:01:26.56]
16. Mountains Falling [0:08:15.00]
17. Mulholland Drive / Love Theme [0:05:40.17]

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Soundtrack - Chocolat (Шоколад)

Composer: Rachel Portman, Django / Grappelli, Stephane Reinhardt
Conductor: David Snell
Audio CD (January 9, 2001)
Label: Sony

Director Lasse Hallstrom's recipe for Chocolat is bittersweet, a tale of human hope and frailty imbued with no small amount of symbolism. It's a story that requires a deft, sensitive musical touch, and Hallstrom has wisely turned again to English composer Rachel Portman for the honors. As she did on The Legend of Bagger Vance and her previous, Academy Award-nominated collaboration with Hallstrom, The Cider House Rules, Portman walks the fine line between preciousness and delicacy with grace and dignity. The gypsy flavor of Django Reinhardt's and Stephane Grappelli's "Minor Swing" sets the story's place and time, while Portman's gentle pastoral melodies outline its emotional core, with a few gratifying excursions into more Euro-ethnic music to keep it well-seasoned. The result is another quiet, powerful Portman masterpiece.
~ Jerry McCulley

01. Minor Swing [2:13]
02. Main Titles [3:07]
03. The Story Of Grandmere [4:08]
04. Vianne Sets Up Shop [1:57]
05. Three Women [1:01]
06. Vianna Confronts The Comte [1:21]
07. Other Possibilities [1:34]
08. Guillaumes Confession [1:29]
09. Passage Of Time [2:31]
10. Boycott Immorality [4:38]
11. Party Preparations [1:28]
12. Chocolate Sauce [0:47]
13. Fire [2:37]
14. Vianna Gazes At The River [1:06]
15. Mayan Bowl Breaks [2:14]
16. Taste Of Chocolate [3:08]
17. Ashes To The Wind/Roux Returns [2:18]
18. Caravan [3:43]

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Soundtrack - 300 - Original Motion Picture (2007)

Artist: Tyler Bates
Original Release Date: 2007
Label: Warner Bros / Wea
Format: MP3
Quality: VBR, 192 kbps
Size: 81,6 Mb
Length: 00:59:43

Listening to this soundtrack at full blast one often feels as if the Spartan and Persian forces are coming right at you, then ferociously pummeling your eardrums--and this is meant as a compliment. Tyler Bates's score is basically a modern update of the battle classic to end all battle classics: Carl Orff's Carmina Burana. On the opening cue "To Victory," Bates throws in everything he's got: powerful choral singing, massive percussion (you can almost feel the weight of those Japanese taiko drums), and of course an otherworldly female voice. All these elements are then parceled out over the following tracks, taking turns to dominate the cues, and sometimes coming together again in majestic shows of force--the music can sound absolutely humongous at times ("Submission," "Come and Get Them," "A God King Bleeds"). The most interesting development is the use throughout of electronic treatment; even when the technique is applied subtly, it's very efficient in adding a spooky dimension to the album's very sonic texture. And while you'd think an electric guitar would feel incongruous in a movie set in 480 BC, it actually injects a screaming sense of urgency into a track such as "The Hot Gates." As for that aforementioned female voice, it belongs to Iranian-born, L.A.-based Azam Ali (of the duo Vas), who makes essential contributions on tracks like "Cursed by Beauty" and "Goodbye My Love."
~ Elisabeth Vincentelli

Product Description
Epic, emotional and inventive describe the action drama 300 and also its score. Written and produced by Tyler Bates (Dawn of the Dead, Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects, and Slither), Music From The Motion Picture 300 boasts a sweeping palette, embracing a tonal foundation unfamiliar to studio films. Orchestral and choral, 300 features the haunting, exotic vocals of Azam Ali, featured in world music groups Niyaz and Vas. Special Edition Includes: Deluxe Packaging, 3 Two-Sided Trading Cards and 16 Page Full Color Booklet.

01. To Victory
02. The Agoge
03. The Wolf
04. Returns A King
05. Submission
06. The Ephors
07. Cursed By Beauty
08. What Must A King Do?
09. Goodbye My Love
10. No Sleep Tonight
11. Tree Of The Dead
12. The Hot Gates
13. Fight In The Shade
14. Come And Get Them
15. No Mercy
16. Immortals Battle
17. Fever Dream
18. Xerxes’ Tent
19. Tonight We Dine In Hell
20. The Council Chamber
21. Xerxes’ Final Offer
22. A God King Bleeds
23. Glory
24. Message For The Queen
25. Remember Us

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SoundTrack - Perfume (Парфюмер)

Audio CD (October 3, 2006)
Label: EMI Classics
Format: mp3, 180 kbps, 44100Hz
Size: 92,2 Мб

01. Prologue: The Highest Point
02. Streets of Paris
03. The Girl with the Plums
04. Grenouille’s Childhood
05. Distilling Roses
06. The 13th essence
07. Lost Love
08. Morrish Scents
09. Meeting Laura
10. The method works
11. Richi’s escape
12. Laura’s murder
13. Awwaiting execution
14. Grasse in panic
15. The perfume
16. The crowd embrace
17. Perfume distilled
18. Epilogue: Leaving Grasse

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пароль: http://netz.ru

Soundtrack - Forrest Gumb (Форест Гамп)

Format: mp3, 192 kbps, 44100Hz
Year: 1994
Size: 60,1 Мб + 84,8 Мб


CD 1:
01. Elvis Presley - Hound Dog
02. Duane Eddy - Bebel Rouser
03. Clarence Henry - But I Do
04. The Rooftop Singers - Walk Right In
05. Wilson Pickett - Land of 1000 Dances
06. Joan Baez - Blowin’ In The Wind
07. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortune Son
08. The Four Steps - I Can’t Help Myself
09. Aretha Franklin - Respect
10. Bob Dylan - Rainy Day Women
11. The Beach Boys - Sloop John B
12. The Mamas & The Papas - California Dreamin’
13. Buffalo Springfield - For What It’s Worth
14. Jackie DeShannon - What The World
15. The Doors - Break On Through
16. Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs Robinson

CD 2:
01. Jefferson Airplane - Volunteers
02. The Youngbloods - Let’s Get Together
03. Scott McKenzie - San Francisco
04. The Byrds - Turn Turn Turn
05. The Fifth Dimension - Medley
06. Harry Nilsson - Everybody’s Talkin’
07. Three Dog Night - Joy To The World
08. The Supremes - Stoned Love
09. B J Thomas - Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
10. Randy Newman - Mr President
11. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama
12. The Doobie Brothers - It Keeps You Runnin’
13. Glady’s Knight & The Pips
14. Willie Nelson - On The Road Again
15. Bob Seeker & The Silver - Against The Wind
16. Alan Silverstri - Forrest Gump Suite

пароль: http://netz.ru
или (от nnm)

Soundtrack - Blood Diamond (Кровавый Алмаз)

Audio CD (19 Dec 2006)
Label: Varese Sarabande

Like the movie it accompanies, this score feels very much like an "Africanized" regular Hollywood production--but not too much, so as not to throw off timid viewers/listeners. James Newton Howard wrote his cues for a standard large orchestra, augmented here and there with touches such as exotic instruments, the African Children's Choir, and superstar Senegalese musician Youssou N’Dour. N'Dour contributes vocals to the first track, "Blood Diamond Titles," but for a long stretch after that, it's pretty much business as usual: swelling, portentous strings (almost every track); a syrupy romantic theme ("Maddy & Archer"); pounding action cues ("Diamond Mine Bombed," "Solomon & Archer Escape"). Things pick up again with the three songs tucked away at the end of the CD. The Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars and Sudan's Emmanuel Jal and Abdel Gadir Salim, in particular, deliver a shot of genuine energy that's sorely lacking from the rest of the CD. This soundtrack - and the film - would have been livelier had there been more of that music.
~ Elisabeth Vincentelli

01. Blood Diamond Titles (1:32)
02. Crossing The Bridge (1:41)
03. Village Attack (1:52)
04. RUF Kidnaps Dia (3:02)
05. Archer & Solomon Hike (1:55)
06. Maddy & Archer (1:56)
07. Solomon Finds Family (2:09)
08. Fall Of Freetown (4:45)
09. Did You Bury It? (1:36)
10. Archer Sells Diamond (1:40)
11. Goodbyes (2:40)
12. Your Son Is Gone (1:21)
13. Diamond Mine Bombed (4:31)
14. Solomon’s Helping Hand (1:11)
15. G8 Conference (2:36)
16. Solomon & Archer Escape (2:12)
17. I Can Carry You (1:30)
18. Your Mother Loves You (2:24)
19. Thought I’d Never Call? (3:56)
20. London (2:37)
21. Solomon Vandy (2:13)
22. Ankala - Sierra Leone’s Refugee All Stars (4:14)
23. Baai - Emmanuel Jal / Abdel Gadir Sallm (4:39)
24. When Da Dawgs Come Out To Play - Bal Burea / Masta Kent / Bullet Rhymes (3:19)

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http://www.filefactory.com/file/ee228e (пароль: www.qsound.ws)
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Soundtrack - Apocalypto (Откровение)

Original Release Date: December 5, 2006
Label: Hollywood Records
Composer: James Horner
Quality: ~221 kbit (VBR), 44100Hz Stereo

James Horner's approach to this soundtrack is as unconventional as Mel Gibson's take on adventure movies. The percussion- and flute-heavy arrangements eschew the usual big orchestra--Horner actually employs synthetic strings instead--but what really makes this score stand out from run-of-the-mill Hollywood soundtracks is its use of the human voice, in particular that of Qawwali singer Rahan Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. It adds an element that's often ominously spooky to several tracks; it's like a vague sense of menace, one whose origin is hard to pinpoint. The throat singing on "Holcane Attack," for instance, is pitched so low as to make you wonder if it is, indeed, man-made. The prevailing oppressive mood is barely alleviated by the use of airy jungle sounds on the opening and closing tracks. Horner fans may be turned off by his work here, but other listeners could actually be pulled in.
~ Elisabeth Vincentelli

1 From The Forest...
2 Tapir Hunt
3 The Storytellers Dreams
4 Holcane Attack
5 Captives
6 Entering The City With A Future Foretold
7 Sacrificial Procession
8 Words Through The Sky - The Eclipse
9 The Games And Escape
10 An Elusive Quarry
11 Frog Darts
12 No Longer The Hunted
13 Civilizations Brought By Sea
14 To The Forest...

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Soundtrack - The Red Violin (Красная скрипка)

Album: The Red Violin: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Original Release Date: May 18, 1999
Label: Sony
Quality: MP3/320 kbps/Stereo
Time: 1.05.59
Size: 151 Mb

Composed by John Corigliano
Performed by London Philharmonia Orchestra
with Eddie Hessian, Gavyn Wright, Joshua Bell, Frank Ricotti, Gregory Knowles, Nicholas Bucknall, Christopher Laurence
Conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen

Leave it to composer John Corigliano and violinist Joshua Bell - two of biggest names in classical music - to team up and create one of 1999's best soundtracks. For many, the soundtrack to The Red Violin was just as impressive as the film, a moving blend of gypsy, folk, and classical compositions.
~ Jason Verlinde

Normally we think of a musical instrument as a passive object in the service of a performing artist. But what if that instrument is itself a work of art, containing the secrets of the various owners through whose hands it has passed over the centuries? That's the premise behind this intriguing film by François Girard (director of 32 Short Films About Glenn Gould). It traces the story of a legendary violin (thought to be possessed by an immortal soul) from its birth in 17th-century Italy through Mozart's Vienna, Victorian England, and revolutionary China to its present-day fate on the auction block. The score, in suggesting the violin's unique aura, therefore carries much of the burden of the story, and it brings together some of the most outstanding talents in contemporary classical music. Composer John Corigliano's richly eclectic and poetic score - encompassing classical elegance, gypsy passion, and angst-ridden harmonies - etches vivid portraits of the film's various epochs but also gives an overarching sense of unity to the episodic character of the script. It's essentially a set of remarkably imaginative variations for violin and orchestra on a theme of haunting pathos and is a substantial work of music in its own right. As the soloist, Joshua Bell saturates the eponymous instrument with personality. His combination of virtuoso bravura and soulful phrasing almost seems to lead the violin to the brink of human speech. Conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen shapes the exchange between orchestra and violin into tautly dramatic dialogue. The disc also includes a powerful related work on the theme used in the score, the Chaconne for Violin and Orchestra, which confirms Corigliano's status as one of today's leading and most personally communicative American composers.
~ Thomas May

1. The Red Violin: Anna's Theme
2. The Red Violin: I. Cremona: Main Title
3. The Red Violin: I. Cremona: Death Of Anna
4. The Red Violin: I. Cremona: Birth Of The Red Violin
5. The Red Violin: I. Cremona: The Red Violin
6. The Red Violin: II. Vienna: The Monastery
7. The Red Violin: II. Vienna: Kaspar's Audition; Journey To Vienna
8. The Red Violin: II. Vienna: Etudes; Death Of Kaspar
9. The Red Violin: III. Oxford: The Gypsies; Journey Across Europe
10. The Red Violin: III. Oxford: Pope's Gypsy Cadenza
11. The Red Violin: III. Oxford: Coitus Musicalis; Victoria's Departure
12. The Red Violin: III. Oxford: Pope's Concert
13. The Red Violin: III. Oxford: Pope's Betrayal
14. The Red Violin: IV. Shanghai: Journey To China
15. The Red Violin: IV. Shanghai: People's Revolution; Death Of Chou Yuan
16. The Red Violin: V. Montreal: Morritz Discovers The Red Violin
17. The Red Violin: V. Montreal: Morritz's Theme
18. The Red Violin: V. Montreal: The Theft
19. The Red Violin: V. Montreal: End Titles
20. The Red Violin: 'The Red Violin': Chaconne For Violin And Orchestra

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Soundtrack - Children Of Men (Дитя человеческое)

Original Release Date: October 30, 2006
Label: Hip-O Records
Genre: Rock
Quality: (VBR), 44100 Hz Joint Stereo
File size: 81.87 Mb

Based on this soundtrack, the future of England sounds awfully familiar: a bit of classic-rock excess (Deep Purple's exhilarating "Hush," with its lengthy Jon Lord organ solo; an edited version of King Crimson's "The Court of the Crimson King") and a bit of jittery neopunk (the Libertines' "Arbeit Macht Frei"); a dash of super-deep dub (both Kode9 & the Spaceape's "Backward" and Pressure's "Money Honey" are endowed with bowel-shaking bass) and the obligatory left-field cover (Franco Battiato's Italian-accented "Ruby Tuesday"). Fitting the mood and concept of Alfonso Cuaron's sci-fi movie, the most impressive tracks are the ones that sound the most high-tech ominous, like the aforementioned "Money Honey," Cyrus (Random Trio)'s "Indian Stomp" and Roots Manuva's tense hip-hop "Witness." Former Pulp frontman Jarvis Cocker provides an ironically bittersweet, drum-machine-propelled coda with "Running the World," showing that on his own or with a band, he's one of the best lyricists England's ever produced--no wonder his track is right next to one by John Lennon. Note that John Tavener’s score appears on a separate CD.
~ Elisabeth Vincentelli

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01 Hush - Deep Purple
02 Witness (I Hope) - Roots Manuva
03 Tomorrow Never Knows - Junior Parker
04 Sleepy Shores - Michael Price
05 The Court Of The Crimson King - King Crimson
06 Backward - Kode9 And The Spaceape
07 Wait - The Kills
08 There Is An Ocean - Donovan
09 Ruby Tuesday - Franco Battiato
10 Money Honey - Pressure Feat Warrior Queen
11 Arbeit Macht Frei - The Libertines
12 Indian Stomp - Cyrus (Random Trio)
13 Bring On The Lucie (Freda Peeple) - Jonh Lennon
14 Running The World - Jarvis Cocker

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Soundtrack - Hero (Герой)

Artist: Tan Dun
Original Release Date: August 24, 2004
Format: Soundtrack
Label: Sony
Total Time: 59:09
Quality: mp3 192 kbps
Size: 84 Mb (5% recovery)

Tan Dun straddles the very different worlds of concert music and film scores, winning admirers in both. He's perhaps best known for his score to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which shares with Hero a visual poetry that transcends the sword-filled action film genre. In Crouching Tiger, Tan Dun's music was often striking. In Hero he often lapses into repetition and cliché, a failing compensated for by several appealing cues. The Overture, for example, begins with the mournful wail of ancient Chinese instruments set against pounding drums, a promising start that evokes ancient China and the struggles to come. There's a mournful soprano vocalise in "Gone With the Leaves," and the "Warriors" cue recalls Prokofiev's Alexander Nevsky. The plucking of the ancient Chinese lute in "In the Chess Court" evokes a timeless, peaceful mood, contrasting with the thrilling kodo drummers showcased in "Swift Sword." Itzhak Perlman gets cover billing for violin solos any competent studio fiddler could have handled. Tan Dun's admirers will want this, and audiophiles will love those kodo drummers.
~ Dan Davis

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01. Hero: Overture 4:21
02. For the World - Theme Musiс 4:19
03. Warriors 3:44
04. Gone with Leaves 3:28
05. Longing 4:20
06. At the Emperor's Palace 3:58
07. In the Chess Court 4:02
08. Love in Distance 4:54
09. Spirit Fight 4:32
10. Swift Sword 3:36
11. Farewell, Hero 3:00
12. Sorrow in Desert 2:33
13. Home 1:16
14. Above Water 1:45
15. Snow 1:06
16. Yearning for the Peace 3:28
17. - bonus track. 4:47

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пароль: Ulev

Soundtrack - The Prestige (Престиж)

Composer: David Julyan
Original Release Date: October 17, 2006
Label: Hollywood Records
Quality: 320 kbit, 44100 Hz Stereo
Size: 114 Mb

With this score, composer David Julyan resumes his collaboration with director Christopher Nolan, which started on Memento and continued with Insomnia. Like the movie it accompanies, the soundtrack for The Prestige is divided in three sections of five, nine, and three tracks, respectively: the Pledge, the Turn, and the Prestige. The tracks making up the Pledge are so atmospheric and amorphous that they become interchangeable, forming what sounds like one long goth/New Age piece. But guess what: the tracks in the Turn sound the same…and so do the ones in the Prestige. It's hard to fathom how Julyan could manage to produce such a meek aural wallpaper with the ginormous Hollywood Studio Orchestra at his disposal. "A New Trick" shows a bit more of a pulse but it's only temporary. The most impressive number is "Sacrifice," which sounds really ominous. It's easy to see how this score would work great in the movie - unlike too many musicians, Julyan never overpowers a scene and he suggests mood rather than dictates it. But as a stand-alone listening experience, cut off from its visual accompaniment, the CD can be a bit frustrating.
~ Elisabeth Vincentelli

01. Are You Watching Closely?
02. Colorado Springs
03. Light Field
04. Borden Meets Sarah
05. Adagio for Julia
06. New Trick
07. Journal
08. Transported Man
09. No, Not Today
10. Caught
11. Cutter Returns
12. Real Transported Man
13. Man's Reach Exceeds His Imagination
14. Goodbye to Jess
15. Sacrifice
16. Price of a Good Trick
17. Prestige

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Soundtrack - Gladiator: Music from the Motion Picture

Artist: Lisa Gerrard and Hans Zimmer
Original Release Date: April 25, 2000
Label: Decca U.S.
Quality: mp3 192 kbps
Size: 87,7 Mb (5% recovery)
Total Time:61:31

Most modern Hollywood films have musical "temp tracks" laid in as they're edited, usually classical standards or music from other soundtracks that helps shape the dramatic and emotional intentions of works in progress. Sometimes these temp tracks become the score (as in "2001"), but more often they serve as a template for the film's eventual scorer. That said, we'll boldly climb out on a limb and opine that director Ridley Scott was listening to a whole lot of Holst's The Planets as he was cobbling together his modern gladiator epic. Credit Hans Zimmer for taking "Mars, the Bringer of War" and hammering its familiar harmonic and rhythmic Sturm und Drang into something serviceably fresh; cohort Lisa Gerrard generally handles the more ethereal, atmospheric passages. As epic in scope as its thematic inspiration (and with enough occasional nods to "authenticity" to make it work), this is nonetheless a work of often surprising nuances, and one that recasts the traditional heroic orchestral score in deliciously dark and ominous tones. Warning: repeated listening may inspire the invasion of neighboring countries.
~ Jerry McCulley

01. Progency (02:13)
02. The Wheat (01:03)
03. The Battle (10:02)
04. Earth (03:01)
05. Sorrow (01:26)
06. To Zucchabar (03:16)
07. Patricide (04:07)
08. The Emperor is Dead (01:21)
09. The Might of Rome (05:17)
10. Strength and Honor (02:09)
11. Reunion (01:14)
12. Slaves to Rome (01:00)
13. Barbarian Horde (10:33)
14. Am I Not Merciful? (06:33)
15. Elysium (02:41)
16. Honor Him (01:19)
17. Now We Are Free (04:14)

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пароль: Ulev


Soundtrack - Gladiator: Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard

Исполнитель: Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard
Альбом: Gladiator
Стиль: Soundtrack
Качество: 256 Кб/с MP3
Размер: 85 + 118 Мб

CD 1:
01 Opening - Beginning The Battle
02 Campus
03 Earth
04 The Protector Of Rome
05 Figurines
06 Patricide
07 The Emperor Is Dead
08 Escape - Homecomming - Sorrow
09 Caravan In The Desert
10 Marrakesh Market Place
11 To Zucchabar
12 All The Remains
13 Maximus
14 The Might Of Rome

CD 2:
01 Strength And Honor
02 Reunion - The Coliseum
03 Barbarian Horde
04 I'm Maximus Decimus Denirius
05 The General Who Became A Slave
06 Rome Is The Light
07 Secrets
08 The Mob - The Betrayal
09 The Slave Who Became A Gladiator
10 The Trap
11 Not Yet
12 Death Smiles At Us All
13 Am I Not Merciful
14 Elysium
15 Honor Him
16 Now We Are Free

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Soundtrack - The Science Of Sleep (Наука сна)

Original Release Date: September 12, 2006
Label: Astralwerks
Composer: Jean-Michel Bernard
Format: MP3
Quality: 128 kbs
Size: 46,1 Мб

01. Generique Stephane (0:42)
02. Generique Debut (1:40)
03. Stephane Visite Appart (1:17)
04. Coutances (2:57)
05. Reve Grosses Mains (3:06)
06. Robinet Cellophane (1:27)
07. Grotte Machine A Ecrire (1:17)
08. Ulcer Soul (2:14)
09. Aristurtle (1:41)
10. Generique Stephane TV (0:12)
11. Tours De Cartes (1:32)
12. My Dear Neighbours (0:53)
13. Baignoire Martine (0:30)
14. Gerard Explique Rem (0:47)
15. If You Rescue Me (A Cappella) (1:32)
16. If You Rescue Me (Chanson Des Chats) (2:50)
17. Grotte Stephane Stephanie (1:42)
18. Steppin' Out (4:39)
19. Week-End De Ski (2:04)
20. Golden The Pony Boy (2:06)
21. Making Certain (2:50)
22. Reve Patrick Dewaere (2:36)
23. Stephanie Quitte Le Cafe (1:20)
24. Poursuite Pouchet (1:30)
25. Stephanie Blues (2:26)
26. Theme Generique Fin Golden The Pony Boy (3:01)

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пароль: OST

Soundtrack - The Illusionist (Иллюзионист)

Original Release Date: August 15, 2006
Label: Rykodisc
Composer: Philip Glass
Format: mp3, CBR 320 kbps
Size: 117 Mb

Unlike his popular score for 2002's The Hours, which was intimate and performed by a small ensemble, the music Philip Glass came up with for The Illusionist is quite opulent. Its old-world ambiance befits Neil Burger's movie, a suspenseful period piece set in 1900 Vienna, but the score, performed by the Czech Film Orchestra, easily stands on its own as well. Glass's trademark waxing and waning is present of course--the most Glass-esque tracks include "The Orange Tree" and "The Secret Plot" (in which delicate brushed drums drive the beat against a dull pounding echo). But most rewarding is finally hearing non-stereotypical actions/suspense cues: "The Accident," "A Shout from the Crowd," "The Search" or "The Chase" make you wish Hollywood thought outside the box more often, and called Glass instead of the usual go-to guys when in need of a composer for big-budget action flicks.
~ Elisabeth Vincentelli

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01. The Illusionist
02. Do You Know Me?
03. Chance Encounter
04. The Locket
05. The Orange Tree
06. The Mirror
07. Wish I Would See You Again
08. The Sword
09. Meeting In The Carriage
10. Sophie
11. The Secret Plot
12. Sophie's Ride To The Castle
13. The Accident
14. The New Theater
15. Frankel Appears
16. A Shout From The Crowd
17. Eisenheim Disappears
18. The Search
19. The Missing Gem
20. The Chase
21. Life In The Mountains

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пароль: Reclint

пароль: Illusionist

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Soundtrack - Memoirs of A Geisha (Мемуары гейши)

Original Release Date: November 22, 2005
Label: Sony Classical
Format: MP3
Quality: 128 kbs
Total Length: 1:01:12
Size: 56.1 Мб

Director Rob Marshall hired three of Asia's most fabulous stars (Zhang Ziyi, Michelle Yeoh, and Gong Li) for this Japan-set movie, so one wonders why he didn't put in a call to a local composer as well. Was Tan Dun's line busy? Was Joe Hisaishi otherwise engaged? In any case, John Williams won the assignment, and he didn't end up with egg on his face. Mercifully, Williams left the bombast at home and put cellist Yo-Yo Ma and violinist Itzhak Perlman to good use in this sensitive score. The lovely "Sayuri's Theme" resurfaces at regular intervals, and it's good to hear Williams keep his showier instincts in check through a good chunk of the movie, as he delivers a more subdued sound. One of the most dramatic moments happens during "The Fire Scene and the Coming of War." By then Williams has basically reverted to the familiar, brooding mode he uses for ominous scenes, when suddenly the track integrates an excerpt from "The Folding Fan as a Target," a traditional piece for voice and the Japanese lute known as biwa. Though Williams is right to err on the side of low key, it would have been nice to get more of these stark sounds in his competent but ultimately unmemorable compositions.
~ Elisabeth Vincentelli

01. Sayuri's Theme (1:31)
02. The Journey To The Hanamachi (4:06)
03. Going To School (2:42)
04. Brush On Silk (2:31)
05. Chiyo's Prayer (3:36)
06. Becoming A Geisha (4:52)
07. Finding Satsu (3:44)
08. The Chairman's Waltz (2:39)
09. The Rooftops Of The Hanamachi (3:49)
10. The Garden Meeting (2:44)
11. Dr. Crab's Prize (2:17)
12. Destiny's Path (3:21)
13. A New Name... A New Life (3:33)
14. The Fire Scene And The Coming Of War (6:47)
15. As The Water... (2:01)
16. Confluence (3:42)
17. A Dream Discarded (2:00)
18. Sayuri's Theme And End Credits (5:06)

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пароль: OST

Soundtrack - Messenger The Story of Joan of Arc

Original Release Date: November 2, 1999
Label: Sony
Composer: Eric Serra
Quality: 128 kbs
Total Length: 1:04:09
Size: 58,8 Mb

Composer Eric Serra and director Luc Besson have had a very productive relationship. Having worked together on seven films, including the highly acclaimed La Femme Nikita and The Professional, their eighth collaboration is one that takes a slightly different turn from the previous films. The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc is, for the most part, a largely orchestral score, supplemented with some synth effects. Previous scores by Serra have primarily been synth heavy, and it was very interesting to hear his approach to using a large orchestra and chorus... >>>

01. Talk To Him (2:31)
02. A Sword In A Field (0:49)
03. Joan And The Wolves (1:17)
04. Burying Our Children (1:32)
05. No Amen (1:53)
06. At One With You (1:12)
07. Chinon (1:06)
08. Yolande (1:39)
09. The Messenger Of God (2:44)
10. Find Him (1:21)
11. Secrets Of A Strange Wind (4:53)
12. To The King Of England (1:34)
13. Sent By God (1:00)
14. Procession To Orleans (1:32)
15. Recrossing The River (2:16)
16. The Tourelles (4:12)
17. La Hire's Lucky Charm (1:49)
18. To Arms! (5:57)
19. Armaturam Dei (3:22)
20. The Miracle Of Orleans (2:01)
21. Rex Coronatur (2:47)
22. Trial (3:37)
23. Anger And Confession (2:04)
24. Answer Me (1:16)
25. The Repentance (2:52)
26. Angelus In Medio Ignis (2:17)
27. My Heart Calling - Noa (4:22)

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пароль: OST

Источник: netz, nnm, mp3-city, audiocomfort

Последний раз редактировалось: Johanna (02 05 2007, 02:17), всего редактировалось 12 раз(а)
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Soundtrack - Amelie >>>
28 03 2007, 00:21 URL сообщения
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Профиль ЛС

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Soundtrack - Seven Samurai

Audio CD (April 17, 2002)
Label: Varese Sarabande

part 1 - http://ifolder.ru/1366361
part 2 - http://ifolder.ru/1366436

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(спасибо contrabas`у!)
28 03 2007, 06:47 URL сообщения
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Профиль ЛС

Карма: +1
Mychael Danna - Breach

Soundtrack - Breach (Утечка)

Жанр: Soundtrack
Исполнитель: Mychael Danna
Название диска: Breach
Год Выпуска: 2007
Количество треков: 12
Время звучания: 36 мин.
Формат / Качество: mp3/320 kbps
Размер файла: 80 Mb

1. Dangerous World
2. An Agent Named Robert Hanssen
3. Gun Culture
4. Morning Mass
5. Dear Friends
6. Get On The Boat
7. A Full Day
8. Double Or Nothing
9. The Last Drop
10. I Matter Plenty
11. The Arrest
12. The Why Doesn't Mean A Thing


Источник: lectro.ru
02 04 2007, 12:20 URL сообщения
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Профиль ЛС

Карма: +289/–1

Soundtrack - Schindler's List (1993)
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Исполнитель: Itzhak Perlman, John Williams
Диск: Schindler's List OST
Год выпуска: 1993
Лейбл: MCA
Битрейт: VBR
Размер: 78 Mb

Because he's long been stereotyped by the rousing neo-romantic adventure scores for the Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Jurassic Park franchises, it's easy to forget that composer John Williams is hardly idiomatically challenged. When Steven Spielberg gratifyingly used the clout of his enormous commercial success to produce and direct this brave Holocaust drama, his longtime musical collaborator used the opportunity to display both the depth and maturity of his musical gifts and training, producing a score with sad, evocative melodies frequently carried by the violin of the great Itzhak Perlman. Rich with ethnic nuance and showcasing the composer's masterful orchestral/choral subtlety, Williams's emotionally compelling score for Schindler's List also won the Academy Award for Best Dramatic Score.
~ Jerry McCulley

01. Theme From 'Schindler's List' - Itzhak Perlman
02. Jewish Town (Krakow Ghetto - Winter '41) - Itzhak Perlman
03. Immolation (With Our Lives, We Give Life) - John Williams
04. Remembrances - John Williams
05. Schindler's Workforce - John Williams
06. Oyf'n Pripetshok/Nacht Aktion - The Li-ron Herzeliya Children's Choir
07. I Could Have Done More - Itzhak Perlman
08. Auschwitz-Birkenau - Itzhak Perlman
09. Stolen Memories - John Williams
10. Making The List - Itzhak Perlman
11. Give Me Your Names - John Williams
12. Yeroushalaim Chel Zahav (Jerusalem Of Gold) - The Ramat Gan Chamber Choir/Hana Tzur, Cond.
13. Remembrances (With Itzhak Perlman) - Itzhak Perlman
14. Theme From Schindler's List (Reprise) - John Williams

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Источник: lectro
03 04 2007, 01:34 URL сообщения
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Сообщения: 1970
Темы: 681

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Карма: +289/–1

Внимание! Ссылки от Fred'a: Внимание!

Soundtrack - Dead Man

Original Release Date: February 27, 1996
Label: Vapor Records
Composer: Neil Young
Total Length: 62 min
Format: mp3, 320 Kbps
Size: 147 Mb

Musicologists looking for evidence of Neil Young's connection with the avant-garde likes of Sonic Youth need look no further than this uncompromising soundtrack to Jim Jarmusch's film Dead Man - the first post-punk western to make any sense at all. The music here is scattered and fragmentary, and performed mainly on electric guitar. Though Young's instrumental musings work well in the film, this soundtrack album will be of interest mostly to hardcore Young fanatics (for whom the feedback epic of "Weld" was too brief). The film's most accessible piece of music came during the opening credits, with Young blending acoustic and electric guitars to great dramatic effect. Unfortunately, it's not on this CD. Rent the video.
~ Steve Appleford

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05 04 2007, 02:29 URL сообщения
Сообщения: 82
Темы: 21

Профиль ЛС

Карма: +31

Soundtrack - Господин оформитель

Format: mp3, 320 Kbps
Size: 107 Mb

1. Шкатулка
2. Мистики
3. Игра 1
4. Воспоминания о Марии
5. Игра 2
6. Сорвалась
7. Танец
8. Донна Анна
9. Сон
10. Немой
11. Крыша
12. Посвященный
13. Эротика

Автор музыки: Сергей Курехин
Сергей Курехин – клавишные, синтезаторы
Ольга Кондина – вокал (2, 8 )
Юрий Каспарян – гитара
Игорь Тихомиров – бас-гитара
Георгий Гурьянов – компьютеры
Владимир Диканский – скрипка (2)
Владимир Цымбал – тромбон
Алексей Заливалов – скрипка (12)

Звукооператор оригинальной записи – Александр Груздев
Премастеринг – Андрей Лобанов
Музыкальная композиция составлена Анастасией Курехиной и Олегом Тепцовым
Продюсеры: Анастасия Курехина, Олег Тепцов

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new files.ariom.ru: http://files.ariom.ru/3498816 , http://files.ariom.ru/3498900 (no password)

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09 04 2007, 12:15 URL сообщения
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Карма: +289/–1

Soundtrack - Immortel (Ad Vitam)

Country: France
Author: Goran Vejvoda
Release Date: 16, March 2004
Quality: MP3 192 - 320 kb/s
Size: 88.41 Мб
Total Duration: 01:01:10

01. Horus pop mix (02:40)
02. TB bar 00 (01:29)
03. TB bar 01 (03:01)
04. Dayhux (01:29)
05. TB bar 02 (03:15)
06. Poursuite (03:07)
07. June in January (02:07)
. . by Julie London
08. Tour FL (02:07)
09. Nikopol deux (01:27)
10. Petit Paris (01:54)
11. Nuit NYC (02:06)
12. Nikopol (01:56)
13. Nights in White Satin (04:49)
. . by Alain Bashung
14. Jill & Nikopol Passion (03:03)
15. Levitation (01:44)
16. Nikopol Cordes (01:11)
17. Horus (02:32)
18. My Dear Friend (03:13)
. . by Julie Delpy
19. Brooklyn Pont (01:15)
20. TB bar 03 (01:57)
21. Bureau de John (01:43)
22. Cabinet Elma (02:26)
23. Ambulance (01:04)
24. Debut (01:34)
25. Beautiful Days (07:57)
. . by Venus


Источник: nnm
12 04 2007, 03:27 URL сообщения
Green Alien
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Откуда: планета Земля
Профиль ЛС

Карма: +83

Soundtrack - Dead Man Walking

01. Dead Man Walkin' Брюс Спрингстин
02. In Your Mind Джонни Кэш
03. Woman On The Tier (I'll See You Through) Сьюзанн Вега
04. Promises Лаветт Лайл
05. The Face Of Love Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Эдди Веддер
06. The Fall Of Troy Том Уэйтс
07. Quality Of Mercy Мичэл Шокед
08. Dead Man Walking ( A dream Like This) Mary Chapin Carpenter
09. Walk Away Том Уэйтс
10. Ellis Unit One Стив Эрль
11. Walkin Blind Патти Смитт
12. The Long Road Эдди Веддер, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
13. Dead Man Эдди Веддер

Год выпуска: 2006
Дистрибьютор: Sony BMG Music Entertaiment
Размер: 106 Mb


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15 04 2007, 11:25 URL сообщения
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Внимание! Ссылки от wisa: Внимание!

Soundtrack: Cyril Morin - Samsara


Original Release Date: June 22, 2004
Label: Rasa Music
Quality: mp3, 320 kbps

01. Pema's Theme (2:15)
02. Maniwall (2:10)
03. The Eagle (1:29)
04. Prayer* (:27)
05. The Return (1:00)
06. For Noble Truths (3:12)
07. Awake (1:05)
08. Tashi Meets Pema (2:11)
09. Time To Choose (2:51)
10. Tantric Drawings (2:35)
11. Prayers At The Monastery* (1:16)
12. Kala's Theme (4:09)
13. Farmers' chant * (1:31)
14. Dawa's Arrival (2:07)
15. Acceptance (1:00)
16. Dawa's Theme (2:59)
17. Karma's Theme (1:09)
18. Peacock* (1:41)
(performed by Jampa Kelsang)
19. Sujata's Theme (1:21)
20. The Stick & The River (1:40)
21. Fire (2:11)
22. Tashi's Theme (5:09)
23. Bumblebee (11:01)

http://www.mediafire.com/?dsxddb74tkw ( 1-11)
http://www.mediafire.com/?erdrqstq9iz (12-23)

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Последний раз редактировалось: Johanna (26 02 2008, 22:09), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
17 04 2007, 16:32 URL сообщения
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Карма: +31

Soundtrack - K-Pax (Планета Ка-Пэкс), Edward Shearmur, OST

Формат: mp3, 192kbps, 60Mb, rar + 3% recovery

Саундтрек к замечательному фильму Айяна Софтли "Планета Ка-Пэкс". Композитор Эдвард Шермур.

1. Grand Central
2. Good Morning Bess
3. Taxi Ride
4. Constellation Lyra
5. Bluebird
6. 4th Of July
7. Prot Missing
8. Sarah
9. New Mexico
10. Powell's Return
11. July 27th
12. Coda

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Ссылка от Camel:
MP3 192 Kbps | 43:16 Min | Size: 60,68 Mb

Ссылка от Маяка:
MP3 160 kbps | 47,6 Mb | Pass: ariom.ru
05 05 2007, 09:25 URL сообщения
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Темы: 681

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Карма: +289/–1

Soundtrack - A Clockwork Orange (Заводной апельсин)

Year: October 25, 1990
Quality: mp3, CBR 192 kbps, Stereo
Label: Warner Bros / Wea

01. Title Music from a Clockwork Orange - Walter Carlos
02. The Thieving Magpie (Abridged)
03. Theme from a Clockwork Orange (Beethoviana) - Walter Carlos
04. Ninth Symphony, Second Movement
05. March from a Clockwork Orange (Ninth Symphony, Fourth Movement) - Walter Carlos
06. William Tell Overture - Walter Carlos
07. Pomp and Circumstance March No. I
08. Pomp and Circumstance March No. IV
09. Timesteps - Walter Carlos
10. Overture to the Sun
11. I Want to Marry a Lighthouse Keeper - Erika Eigen
12. William Tell Overture
13. Suicide Scherzo (Ninth Symphony, Second Movement) - Walter Carlos
14. Ninth Symphony, Fourth Movement
15. Singin' in the Rain - Gene Kelly

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08 05 2007, 00:46 Отзывы :: URL сообщения


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