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[On-Line] Gangaji - Untouched by Any Power [eng]


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[On-Line] Gangaji - Untouched by Any Power [eng]

[ Ссылки устарели ]

"Most people come to spiritual teachings to add to their accumulation of power, but what is offered here is the possibility to recognize what is untouched by any power. That which is free of all power and free of all powerlessness is the truth of who you are."

There are many powers within the human capacity, but the power that particularly captivates and entangles us is the power of our mind. In this selection of monologues and interactions, Gangaji helps to expose the common strategies of the mind’s power employed for comfort and survival: possession, denial, memory, and projection. While these powers may be at times appropriate for our relative existence, she clearly illustrates how they cannot deliver the indestructible peace and fulfillment that is untouched by any power.

Продолжительность: 00:58:06
Видео: DIVX
Aудио: MPEG
Язык: английский
Субтитры: нет
Размер: 104 МБ
Архив: RAR

Гангаджи на форумах Лотоса:
Фильмы на английском:
The Ungraspable Offering
Love & Gratitude
Innocence, Trust and Self-Betrayal
Freedom and Desire
Open, Unprotected and Free
Beyond Practice
The Invitation
Revealing Strategies of Ego
Laughing All the Way Home
Spiritual Traps
Unraveling the Knot of Suffering
Facing Death
The Moment of Choice
Being in Peace
Still in Awareness
River of Freedom
The Longing
Standing In The Truth Of Who You Are

Книги на английском:
25 01 2007, 13:40 URL сообщения


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