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Утилиты для загрузки на rapidshare, 11mbit, uploadyourfiles


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karla [Miroque]

Утилиты для загрузки на rapidshare, 11mbit, uploadyourfiles

My second posting here Улыбаюсь please, forgive me, when it go wrong. I come from germany and can't read Russia. If someone help me, i post it at netz.ru I don't know, which is the right place there.

I know about the great Universal Share Downloader. What i miss, is a programm, to upload files automatically. I discover to programms now:


It can upload files to rapidshare and 11mbit automatically. Load a list of files and say go ... and the programm upload all the files allone. You can sleep or go working Улыбаюсь
The programm is written in C# You have to install .Net Framework or .Net Framework with Service Pack 1
There are two versions. For one you need only .Net Framework, for the other .Net Framework and Service Pack 1. Both are not included in Windows XP
The author say, it's easy, to make a plugin for other sides. Don't ask me, i don't a programmer

Now for the one, who understand german, the original Posting from the author:
Das Programm ist in C# geschrieben, das .NET Framework (ggf. mit Service Pack 1) wird also benoetigt.
Habe C# u.a. wegen der einfachen Pluginfunktionalitaet ausgewaehlt. Das Programm ist nicht auf Rapidshare begrenzt, sondern kann ohne Probleme erweitert werden, auch ohne es neu kompilieren zu muessen. Dazu muss einfach der C#-Sourcecode zum Hochladen auf eine andere Seite dem Programm unter "Sites" hinzugefuegt werden. Im Moment liegt erst einmal nur der Code fuer Rapidshare bei.

Das Programm sollte eigentlich relativ selbsterklaerend sein, trotzem ist noch eine (sehr) kleine Anleitung im Paket.

Ich wuerde mich ausserdem ueber Hilfe fuer die Unterstuetzung von anderen Seiten (zb. qfile.de) freuen. Derjenige brauch nicht umbedingt Programmierkenntnisse, eher sehr gute Kenntnisse im Bereich HTTP Protokoll.

you will find the programm here:
if a Passwort nedded, it's porbably: rapadong

the original Code for programmers is here: http://rapidshare.de/files/2488302/UploadToolSource.rar.html

Universal Upload Tool

Works with Rapidshare and uploadyourfiles.

Download Version 3.3 : http://sceneworld.net/up/download.php%3Fid=1Y0VqqmgfBLbXSC5R6MD
17 11 2005, 02:23 URL сообщения
karla [Miroque]

There is a new Version from the second uploadprogramm Universal Upload Tool. I have write a description/translation, so i hope, you can work with it. The translation you find even with the progam in a textfile:

Tis Program can upload files to a number of FileHosters automatically. Load a list of files and say go ... and the programm upload all the files allone. You can sleep or go working.
The Filehosters at this Moment:

How it works:

1. Choose the Files, you want to upload. Attention: Look after the maximum FileSize of the Filehoster, you want to use.
2. Choose the Filehoster, for example rapidshare with a maximum filesize from 50 MB
3. Push the Button 'hochladen' (upload)


The next Version of the program is in english Улыбаюсь

From 3 of the Filehosters you can download with the Universal share downloader:

20 11 2005, 18:17 URL сообщения
Glas F.


23 11 2005, 02:32 URL сообщения
karla [Miroque]

There is a new Version: Universal Upload Tool 3.5 BETA I hope it works better and there are 2 new Filehosters:

Filesize: 500 MB
File-Deleting: expire in 30 days of inactivity
DownloadSpeed: Unlimited bandwidth and disk space

Filesize: 75 MB, no split archives
File-Deleting: expire in 30 days of inactivity
DownloadSpeed: Fast dedicated servers

Here are the program:

24 11 2005, 01:33 URL сообщения
Glas F.

Gut, gut, super-gut!!! Danke!
24 11 2005, 10:08 URL сообщения

There is a bug in the Universal Upload Tool i think. But maybe it a bug at the filehosters: At some filehosters - not at all - the tool upload the same file two times. These is reportet to the programmer. Maybe there will be an update till the weekend come
24 11 2005, 17:48 URL сообщения

Esta herramienta no funciona bien, me da error en casi todos los servidores, no se que sera.
Me pasa que cuando intento subir se cuelga, no sube o sube un archivo y cuando pasa al segundo se cuelga.
Alguno sabe de algun buen soft que haga lo mismo?
14 12 2005, 19:14 URL сообщения

There is a problem with Universal Upload Tool 3.5 BETA. When I upload files on RapidShare.de, it stops ALWAYS on 1056 KB. Please help me.
15 12 2005, 21:36 URL сообщения

Vancho, what happens when you upload via brouser? If the problem persists, it might be because of session timeout (like badly confugured firewall or something).
15 12 2005, 22:08 URL сообщения

ViMYL писал(а):
Esta herramienta no funciona bien, me da error en casi todos los servidores, no se que sera.
Me pasa que cuando intento subir se cuelga, no sube o sube un archivo y cuando pasa al segundo se cuelga.
Alguno sabe de algun buen soft que haga lo mismo?

Yo he conseguido que me funcione ayer pero usando la versión Upload Tool Version 3.5 Beta que está aquí: http://tinyurl.com/8724g, pero no la Beta2 ni la Beta3.

Subí a UploadSend.com

Saludos Подмигиваю
16 12 2005, 12:58 URL сообщения

Vancho, what happens when you upload via brouser? If the problem persists, it might be because of session timeout (like badly confugured firewall or something).

When I upload it via browser, it's OK.
But now another problem has aroused.
When I upload file, suddenly it stops it and continues it from about 400-500 kb.
And conclusion. THIS BOT IS FULL OF BUGS. Maybe just because it's beta.
16 12 2005, 17:06 URL сообщения

A new error in the new version.

I found another program called GulliUploadDingens. It suports only RapidShare and 11MBit, but it has no errors. Though I think that direct upload (via browser) is always much faster than indirect (via some software). I measured it several times.
16 12 2005, 17:40 URL сообщения

karla [Miroque], is it possible to optimize it for 800x600 screen resolution ?
04 01 2006, 20:54 URL сообщения

the gulli-proggi is great, good-old-german-technology *lol*

15 01 2006, 05:49 URL сообщения


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