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Labyrinths have been used both as meditative symbols and as catalysts for inner change through the physical activity of walking them. Now for the first time, we have a Sonic Labyrinth, thanks to Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, who meticulously translated this sacred symbol of the Labyrinth through precise mathematical calculations. In doing so, he has rendered the symbol into sound, giving us a very beautiful and powerful sound recording for meditation and inner change and growth.
Now a person can hear what he/she is seeing when walking the labyrinth, creating a deeply moving and uplifting effect not likely available elsewhere.
By converting these ancient and greatly revered symbols mathematically into sound, Dr. Thompson discovered that the precisely tuned tones that resulted all fell within what is called the "Critical Bandwidth" of tuning. This is the place in which the brain cannot distinguish two separated tones, but hears a single tone with a pulse within it - a binaural beat - a key to brainwave entrainment. Dr. Thompson was able to grasp this finding immediately, having developed his own technique for brainwave entrainment in 1982 to orchestrate states of consciousness using sound. Dr. Thompson recognized that what he had just discovered, others had discovered and used the same sophisticated brainwave entrainment five thousand + (5,000 +) years earlier. Brainwave entrainment was hidden in these sacred symbols, assisting persons in very early times to meditate and experience personal transformation.
The Sri Yantra and Sonic Labyrinth are not musical pieces in the normal sense of the word. Rather they are precise and profound sound tools for achieving the deepest states of meditation and prayer.
These sacred symbols and their sonic counterparts are not to be approached or used lightly…
The SRI YANTRA consists of 9 triangles arranged very specifically and superimposed on top of one another. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson has translated this ancient Mandela symbol into a Sonic Mandela mathematically in two different ways, corresponding to part 1 and part 2 of this CD.
This CD was created for the Deepak Chopra seven-day workshop "Seduction of Spirit" held in San Diego, California in 1994. Visual images of the Sri Yantra and its corresponding sound frequencies formed a 45-minute meditation experience as part of the seminar. The sound vibration patterns that are generated by the complex relationship of the many sounds of the Sri Yantra make this soundtrack a very powerful tool for reaching deep states of consciousness.
In each part of this CD, Dr. Thompson has used the circle around the triangular patterns of the Sri Yantra as a central reference point to which all of the triangles relate in distinct proportionate ratios. He took the essential element of the circle, PI, as the basic unit to which all the other ratios of the triangles could relate. Therefore, PI became a frequency vibration rate which, when doubled in value many times became 201.0624 cycles per second or Hz, which is a sound tone in the international tuning scale of G+43 cents. Cents are divisions of micro-tuning between notes on a piano keyboard. Each cent equals 1/100th division of sharp or flat between notes.
In track 1, Dr. Thompson took the circle as 360 degrees equaling the sound equivalent of PI raised by octaves to equal 201.0624 Hz. He then calculated what one cent division equaled as a sound frequency. Then he converted each of the twenty-seven (27) angles of the nine (9) triangles which make up the Sri Yantra, into their corresponding sound frequency vibration rates and the associated musical tones with the exact micro-tuning accuracy of a single cent. Therefore, on track 1 you will hear the Sri Yantra assemble itself sonically one triangle tone at a time, starting with the frequency for the circle and ending with all twenty-seven (27) angles playing together. This produces an extremely complex pattern of relationships, the exact relationships you see as you look at the Sri Yantra Mandela pattern visually. This Audio Program is the sonic equivalent, accurate to 1 cent, of the beautiful Sri Yantra looked upon visually.
Track 2 of the Sri Yantra CD again uses the value of PI, raised by octaves to G+43 cents, as a baseline sound frequency. In this track, Dr. Thompson calculated the area of the circle and then calculated the area of each of the nine (9) triangles. He then related the area of each triangle as a percentage proportion to the circle that enclosed it, making a ratio. Ratios between tones are what musical tuning is all about. The complex pattern of precisely tuned sound frequencies of all nine (9) triangles creates a sound field of multiple levels of pulses created by the acoustic physics principles of "The Critical Bandwidth". The tuning of the precise frequencies of each of the nine (9) triangles of the Sri Yantra all fall exactly within a range called the "Critical Bandwidth". This is when two tones are tuned within 18% of one another. In this range of tuning, the brain cannot distinguish two separate tones, but hears a single tone with a pulse within it that is created by the difference between the two tones. This is the key element in the high-tech methods Dr. Thompson developed in 1982 to cause a brainwave entrainment response called "Binaural Beats" - the mixing of two precisely tuned tones to make a pulse which entrains brainwaves into altered states of consciousness. The Sri Yantra accomplishes this brainwave entrainment phenomenon in a most sophisticated way. The symbol is countless thousands of years old. The Sonic Sri Yantra is powerful, beautiful and is capable of giving its receptive listeners an experience not easily forgotten. It, like so many of Dr. Thompson's creations, is truly a Masterpiece of Art and Science.
In both track 1 and track 2 of this CD, Dr. Thompson has played the complete Sri Yantra through a series of seven octaves. You will hear the Sri Yantra begin a mix of complex low frequency vibrations, which continually double in frequency every four minutes and become higher and higher, leading one upward. With headphones, you will be able to feel the Sri Yantra begin as a sound vibration in your body and eventually exit through the top of your head.
The sounds on this CD have been processed with special 3-D recording techniques, so headphones or good stereo separation are essential for best results. This CD is best used sitting in a meditation posture with an erect spine, with eyes closed and lights dim. You may also wish to listen to it while meditating when gazing at a picture of the Sri Yantra
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Ambient Music for Sleep, один из лучших дисков Джеффри Томпсона, брйэнвэйвы в сочетание с моим любимым эмбиентом должны дать потрясающий эффект, сегодня как раз и опробую.
К сожалению в формате 128к. Это- обработанная классика-Моцарт,Бетховен,Шопен...
Но даже в таком битрейте звучит великолепно.
В гугле,осле и тд ссылок на хорошее качество нет.
Если можно перезалейте пожалуйста у Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson - Awakened Mind System файл Dynamic Transformation 02.flac. Ссылка http://www.rapidshare.ru/521388 когда скачивал уже не работала.
Еще прошу перезалить Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson - Sound Medicine - Music for Brainwave Massage - файл 04 - Tranquil Awareness.flac. Ссылка http://www.rapidshare.ru/516172 не действует.
Добрый день.
Написано что файл "Джеффри Томпсон - Музыка для саморегуляции, программы 1 и 2 (61мин).part1" по адресу http://files.ariom.ru/3153600 временно недоступно . Залейте пожалуйста заново. Из-за нее не распаковываются другие файлы.
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У меня почему-то проблемы с Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Ambient Music for Sleep, пишут "we are closed"!
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Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Ambient Music for Sleep
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