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Tantra of Gyuto. Sacred Rituals of Tibet [eng]


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Tantra of Gyuto. Sacred Rituals of Tibet [eng]

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Tantra of Gyuto. Sacred Rituals of Tibet
13 03 2007, 12:30 URL сообщения
Активный участник
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Темы: 789

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Карма: +156
Tantra Of Gyuto: Sacred Rituals Of Tibet

Tantra Of Gyuto: Sacred Rituals Of Tibet


Tantra of Gyuto is an account of the Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies by monks of the Gyuto Tantric College. Through ritual and mantric power, the Gyuto monks use sound to effect a specific change in the individual and his environment. By their sheer inherent potency and disciplined execution, these concentrated essential energies bring about direct spiritual phenomena.

It is only this exceptional time, an age of massive world change, that the lamas have reversed their traditional practice of secrecy and allowed certain chants to be heard. These rituals were filmed by authorization of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who introduces the ceremonies.

The film includes extremely rare historical footage from the 1920's to the 1950's.


Monks of the Gyuto Tantric College perform sacred Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies in a style of chanting that expresses the ecstasy of true meditation. Through ritual and mantric power and by their sheer inherent potency and disciplined execution, these concentrated essential energies bring about direct spiritual phenomena. The rituals, introduced by the Dalai Lama, are interwoven with powerful images of Tibetan sacred art. The film is prefaced by an account of Tibetan history that incorporates archival footage from the 1920s until the Chinese takeover of Tibet in 1959.

Narrated by Francis Huxley. A film by Sheldon Rochlin and Mark Elliott.

Язык: английский

Размер: 500 Mb

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05 12 2007, 15:03 Отзывы :: URL сообщения


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