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О фильме:
Мастер Чиа обучает методике очищения сознания и открытия 3-го глаза для внутреннего видения проблем тех людей, которым мы хотим помочь. Специальные техники – насыщение воды целительной энергией, работа с энергетическим ножом, солнечные практики.
Учитель Мантэк Чиа является создателем системы, известной под названием "Вселенского Дао", и основателем и директором "Центра целительного Дао" в Нью-Йорке. С самого детства он изучал даосский образ жизни и осваивал другие учения. В результате тщательного изучения даосизма и дополнения его знаниями из различных других систем им была разработана "Система целительного Дао", которая сейчас преподается во многих городах Соединенных Штатов, Канады и Европы.
Sveta, большое Тебе спасибо, за предоставленные материалы! :)
Для тех, кто не может скачать: сабжевые видеоматериалы можно получить бесплатно на тематическом сборнике Мантек Чиа «Самоисцеление и целительство» (DVD V12), распространяемый в рамках проекта «DVD по обычной почте и лично в руки»
Последний раз редактировалось: Woodash (30 11 2009, 09:43), всего редактировалось 6 раз(а)
Born in Rome, David has dedicated his life to the study of human potential, mainly through the Chinese tradition ranging from Shamanism through the main schools of Daoism including recent research in universities and hospitals. Dr. Verdesi has spent the last three years travelling around the globe to complete his research in anthropology and comparative religion.
David has studied traditional Chinese Qi Gong, Daoism and Shamanism focusing on communication and codification of myth, mysticism and spirituality in the development of this system of knowledge. Such research lead him to study with a number of exponents of traditional Chinese culture and related systems in Asia and South America. Among his main teachers in relation to the Chinese tradition in chronological order
Wang Shei Lun
presently living in China an Hermit expert in the 64 arts of Taoism,including rituals, Theatre and Magic.
Ti Liao
presently living in Taiwan a lineage holder of Zu Yu Ba Xian, inherited a long lost system of Daoist medicine and magic.
Mantak Chia
presently living in Thailand founder of the Healing Tao (now Universal Tao) a system that collects techniques from diverse Qi Gong teachings simplifying them for westerners.
David collaborated in the codification of many of the practices in what is now called the Universal Tao. Among other teachings, David instructed Mantak Chia and Michael Winn in the introductory part of the Kong Jing (Empty Force) and Jing Shui (Water of Life) practices in order to introduce to them these teachings in a simple form. They later, without permisssion, took it upon themselves to incorporate fragments of these and other of David's teachings into the Universal Tao and Healing Tao USA systems.
These teachings and others were blended and simplified by them, but in this form are ineffective in the completion of Nei Dan Shu, the very thing for which they were originally created. They do not represent in any way the original transmission of Dazhen or David's other Masters, nor do they represent any traditional Daoist qigong cultivation method.
The transmission of the complete system can only be received from David or his designed representatives.
Da Zhen
The hermit of the Heilong Jian an accomplished Tian Xian living in China He taught David Ba Shen Qi
Shi Fu Ji
Daoist priest ex-warrior presently retired in Nepal deriving from a long Daoist family line. In Korea the calligraphy of his father is on the majority of Temples.
Da La Ma
Wu (long sleeves dancing women clan Shaman) wife of Shi Fuji now a nun.
Wang Ting Jun
Presently living in China. A Physicist first, now a researcher of ancient text and philosophy at the Academy of Traditional Science of Chang Chun. Expert in the Yi Jing which he studied under Liu Da Jun, Xing Shen Zhuan from a Ju Shi and 5th generation Wu Tai Ji from Liu An Jun.
Li Xiao Ming
The director of the Qi Gong research Institute of Beijing ambassador of Qi Gong for the Chinese government a foremost doctor and Daoist.
Lu Yi Yun Piao
presently living in China, healer and teacher of Gao Nan Gong.
Last Patriarch of the Xian Pai
Hermit living in China.
Luo Kang Qi
Transmitter of the Wonderful Breakthrough, a direct method of empowerment.
Da Guan Shi
The lineage holder of the Hua Guan Pai living retired in China
Xu Ming Tang
Heir of prince Kimala guardian of the secret of Zhong Yuan. received the duty to systemize and for the first time in history to expose the Zhong Yuan Mi Jing transmission of the Tung Ling Fa
The Magus of Java
One of the few known direct descendant and present lineage holder of the 2 major Lei Shen lineages of Wudang shan and Lung Hu shan as transmitted and combined in the Mo Pai system.
This list of teachers is evolving in accordance with David's constant search, taking every chance to study with accomplished teachers. Many who were part of his formation, Daoist and otherwise, are not mentioned out of respect for their privacy or because they did not transmit an actual teaching but rather where so kind as to share their mastery of the art.
Hello everybody,
Sean Denty said that this is one of David Shen Verdesi's Masters .
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