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Документальный, цветной, 29.57’, 2005
University of Film and Television «Konrad Wolf, Германия
Режиссер Тиль Пассоу
Фильм о древнем мистическом исламском стиле жизни.
THE ECSTATIC / ИССТУПЛЕННЫЕ реж. Till Passow / Германия, документальный, 30'
Каждый год около одного миллиона верующих из Пакистана, Индии и Афганистана собираются в местечке на Юге Пакистана, чтобы соединиться в религиозном экстазе.
'Mast Qalandar' was a Sufic saint in the early 13th century who settled in Sehwan Sharif, in the south of Pakistan, to preach his message of love, tolerance and ecstasy. He soon became one of the most legendary mystic Islamist holy men in the orient. This documentary portrays the annual celebration of the saint's reunion with Allah. About a million followers come together in Sehwan Sharif, to meet Him and forget their conscious selves. They undergo a process of individual and collective ecstasy.
The Ecstatic | Mast Qalandar
Mast Qalandar was a saint from the beginning of the 13th century who practised Sufism, the system of a mystical branch of Islam. Mast is the name for someone who is brought into an ecstatic state, engulfed by the rhythm of meditation. Passow’s film captures the gathering of approximately one million believers which occurs every year to honour the saint’s encounter with Allah in Sehwan Sharif in Pakistan. The film brings stunning images of the essence of the lifestyle chosen by these advocates of mystical Islam, so far removed from any form of fundamentalism.
Till Passow, Germany, Pakistan, 2005, 30 min.
Directed by: Till Passow
Music: Arib Khan
Production: HFF Konrad Wolf
Sales: Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen Konrad Wolf
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