Ну вот и всё :)
Эти Форумы Лотоса завершают своё существование, как и было запланировано Новые Форумы Лотоса ждут всех и каждого. Новый подход, новые идеи, новые горизонты.
Если хотите продолжать старые темы, то открывайте их на новом форуме под тем же названием и оставляйте в первом сообщении ссылку на старую тему.
Как уже ранее писал, Израильская Церковь саентологии вышла из подчинения Церкви Саентологии со штаб-квартирой в Лос-Анджелесе.
У них есть серьёзные претензии к "деспотичному" и жадному Папе-Мицкевичу.
Это означает, что Свободная Зона стала шире.
Текст претензии на английском. Кому не лень переводите, например в Гугле.
Dani Lemberger, Dror Center, Haifa, Israel
11 July 2012
Dear friends, fellow Scientologists,
The History of the Attached Letter
The writing of the attached letter, "Assignment of Treason
Condition - David Miscavige," was completed by Dani Lemberger and
the execs of Dror Center on 10 June 2012. The planned date of release
was 4 July 2012, upon the return of Tami and Dani from the U.S.
Tami and Dani went to New York on 15 June. On 20 June we flew
to Corpus Christi, Texas, where we spent 8 days with Marty and Monique
Rathbun. We enjoyed fabulous hospitality and continued there our
research of "independent Scientology". We flew to Tampa on 28 June,
planning to spend a few days with close friends in Clearwater and to go in
for scheduled interviews at Flag on 30 June.
When we landed at Tampa airport, on 28 June at 8pm, we were
handed a letter by Flag HCO, informing us that we had been declared
SP's. We have never seen the SP Declare itself. Our friends in CW were
notified of the 'declare' earlier that afternoon, so they could not let us stay
at their home. At midnight we checked into a hotel in CW.
We could not meet any of our "old" friends in CW, but made new
friends with Mike Rinder, Christie Collbran and mighty Jack King
Rinder. The Rinder's made us feel at home and introduced us to many
more "indies", loyal Scientologists who had to flee the church so as to
practice Scientology peacefully and honestly.
Obviously, many of the planned recipients of this letter will not
read it now, since those cowed by the church are not allowed to receive
any communications from us. We are proud and relieved to be part of the
rapidly expanding "indie" movement. It is painful to lose friends of many
years but our many new friends are courageous and of high integrity and
we share the goal of making Scientology available to all.
The days of monopolies and tyrants are over. Now, even in the
Middle East. Bashar al-Assad is butchering his people so as to hold on to
power over the ruins of Syria. Miscavige is 'declaring' half of
Scientologists so as to maintain his stranglehold on the other half - dazed,
confused and ignorant. Zinedine Ben Ali, Hosni Mubarak, Muammar
Gaddafi are gone. Assad and Miscavige will soon follow.
My dear friend, please allow me your time and read the attached
letter. Pass it on to all your friends. We are the friends of L. Ron
Hubbard, the greatest friend of Mankind.
Love, Dani Lemberger
4 July 2012
An Open Letter to All Scientologists
Assignment of Treason Condition – David Miscavige
Please find attached our letter to the International Justice Chief and
to Mr. David Miscavige, COB RTC.
Several letters sent previously have remained unanswered.
Miscavige refuses to be in comm, refuses to be accountable, refuses to
tell us truthfully what is going on. Those writing previous letters were
subjected to stiff 'Ethics' and accused of spreading 'entheta' and creating
ARC breaks within the group. We were told by OSA and Ethics Officers
that Miscavige is 'our leader,' cannot be questioned and that we must not
read the internet. Also, that the IAS is, "COB's financial arm for financing
Scientology" and thus must be supported.
This totalitarian 'logic' is unacceptable to us, hence our action in
putting ethics in on Miscavige. We ask that you read the attached letter
and decide for yourself what is true.
If you, fellow Scientologist, agree with what we say, please put it
in writing. If we all unite in putting ethics in, we will win. We will save
Scientology and we will see renewed expansion and rapid progress
towards a Cleared Planet.
We, the undersigned, may promptly be subjected to an "SP
declare" by Miscavige and his underlings. Rather, we request an open and
unbiased investigation be held which will look into Miscavige's actions
and stats. Such investigation should also be free to investigate the
undersigned, our motives and statistics.
We regret any hardship brought upon those reading this or upon
our friends who now have to contend with a mighty Doubt Condition. If
we are declared, our love and compassion is extended to friends who will
be forced into severing ties with us. This is the doing of a paranoid. It is
not as intended by Ron, the greatest friend of mankind, our only leader.
Our comfort lies in continuing to serve Ron, clearing the planet,
helping our fellows and knowing that "truth always in the end prevails."
This write-up is presented humbly to all Scientologists with a
prayer for a better Scientology and a better world.
Written and signed by the staff of Dror Center:
Eitan Beitner, Aviv Bershadsky, Dima Dubinin, Dani Lemberger,
Tami Lemberger, Shahar Soref, Moti Weizman, Carmela Weizman
Supported by the public and friends of Dror Center.
4 July 2012
Dror Center - Who are we?
Dror Center (Dror = 'Freedom' in Hebrew) was founded in 1992 by
Tami and Dani Lemberger as a field group which later became a Mission.
They opened Dror after spending 2 years at Flag, training and doing their
OT Levels, both getting onto OT 7. Tami trained as an auditor and C/S,
while Dani trained as an Exec, Ethics Officer and Course Supervisor.
The establishing of Dror was greatly assisted by Tami's father,
Yuval Wilbush, who became an enthusiastic Scientologist in 1988. Yuval
donated the premises where the Mission operates to this day.
Dror Center has expanded steadily and now has 8 full-time staff
and over 50 public. Dror is a partnership of its five execs, each holding
20% of it. Our goal has always been to get people up the Bridge – both
sides. We deliver auditing to Clear, including FPRD and NED, and
operate a Purif Center. We have an Academy where public train on Life
Improvement Courses, the Basics, Student Hat, PTS/SP Course and more.
We have always pushed our public to move on to higher orgs,
working closely with Tel Aviv Org, AOSH EU and Flag. We have won
many awards for being Top FSM's and for our contribution to the
expansion of Scientology. Many of our public have joined staff at TAV
Org and the Sea Org.
Our auditors have won numerous awards as Top International
Auditors and as Top Auditors for Europe and Israel. We are proud of our
achievements and intend to continue working to achieve Ron's vision of a
New Civilization and a Cleared Planet.
We believe that Dror comes close to a Scientology activity as
described by Ron in "The Ideal Org" and in many other policies. Our
public enjoys coming here for totally Standard Tech, friendly service and
a distraction-free environment. We have never demanded they pay
'memberships' or join staff. Our staff is professional, well-paid and we do
not allow moon-lighting. Our premises are well-kept and just the size
necessary for the volume of public and delivery. In the HGC, we have
installed an advanced look-in system that guarantees Standard Tech.
Our observation, over the past few years, is that the Church has
now become an obstacle to achieving the goals of Ron rather than a safe
route to travel up the Bridge. This is clearly the doing of one man, David
Miscavige. Thus we demand his immediate resignation. We have
communicated our concerns many times, yet never got a response.
Worse, those writing were sent to "Ethics" on wild charges.
Some may say we are crazy, others applaud us as courageous. We
are acting under the weight of responsibility for the future of Scientology.
Dror Center - Scientology Mission of Haifa, Israel
P O Box 15, Haifa, Israel 31000
Tel: 972-4-867 2788; Fax: 972-4-866 4871; E-mail:info@drorcenter.co.il
4 July 2012
To: International Justice Chief
Mr. David Miscavige, COB RTC
Assignment of Treason Condition – David Miscavige
We, the undersigned, staff of Dror Center, Scientology Mission of
Haifa, Israel, have convened and after thorough review, have determined
that David Miscavige, who currently holds the post of COB RTC, is in
the Condition of Treason.
We have been staff and active Scientologists for many years. Our
goal is a cleared planet and broad dissemination of Standard Tech. This
has not been happening over the past years. In fact, management actions
under Miscavige have caused the Church to stray away from its goals.
Our action of assigning such condition is based on numerous LRH
references, including the following:
1. HCOPL 7 Feb 1965, KSW 1, Keeping Scientology Working
YOU." … "So the ogre which might eat us up is not the government or the
High Priests. It's our possible failure to retain and practice our
2. HCOPL 20 October 1967, Conditions, How to Assign. Section:
"It is more than policy that one gets the condition he fails to
correctly and promptly assign and enforce.
"It's a sort of natural law. If you let your executives goof off and
stay in, let us say, a Danger condition, yet you don't assign and enforce
one, they will surely put YOU in Danger condition whether it gets
assigned or not.
"Remember that when your finger falters 'on the trigger.'
"That natural law stems from this appalling fact.
"We didn't, a long, long time ago, get in ethics. We goofed. And the
whole race went into the soup where it remains to this day."
3. The Way to Happiness, Precept 10
"Support a Government Designed and Run For All the People. …
Government organized and conducted solely for self-interested
individuals and groups gives the society a short life span. ... But one can
raise his voice in caution when such abuses are abroad. … The way to
happiness is hard to travel when shadowed with the oppression of
In the attached document we list numerous LRH references which
are grossly violated by Miscavige's management. We have also
summarized our findings and observations which are the basis of our
determination that Miscavige is in Treason on his post, though probably
in Confusion on the First Dynamic.
Based on the assignment of Treason Condition to Miscavige, we
demand that Miscavige immediately resign the post of COB and leave
any managerial position. We expect that all Church property that may be
on his name, be turned over to the Church.
A new ED Int, competent and loyal to the group, should be allowed
to run the Church. RTC should retain its original mission, as given on its
web-site, "RTC thus became the church responsible for the protection of
the religion and its public by ensuring the standard application of Mr.
Hubbard's technologies." RTC must pull out of running orgs and bypassing
org Tech and Admin senior execs.
All SP Declares of the past 30 years should be cancelled as most of
them were politically motivated by Miscavige. Disconnection must be
rescinded, as LRH himself directed, so the cruelty of destroying families
and friendships no longer darkens our face.
Following this, senior and active Scientologists must work together
to formulate an organizational structure and required institutions that will
guarantee the ever-lasting, stable and rapid expansion of Scientology, the
only 'Applied Spiritual Philosophy' ever available to Mankind.
Dror Center - Scientology Mission of Haifa, Israel
4 July 2012
Assignment of Treason Condition – David Miscavige
Some LRH references which are grossly violated by Miscavige,
and our findings and observations which are the basis of the assignment
of Treason Condition are detailed below. This is partial and there is much
more damage committed by Miscavige.
1. The IAS:
To the best of our knowledge, the IAS was created by management
in 1984, not based on any LRH instructions. This would be fine if its
activities were aligned with other LRH policies and if it operated in a way
that is transparent and to the benefit of Scn, as agreed by Scientologists
and not at the whims of one man.
The major policies that cover memberships are:
1.1 HCOPL 22 March 1965, Current Promotion … Membership
"There are two memberships – The International annual
Membership…The Lifetime Membership…The lifetime Membership costs
$75 …." We know of no LRH reference that covers IAS "statuses" or a
rate of $5,000 for a Lifetime Membership.
1.2 HCOPL 1 Sept 1965 Memberships.
"It all goes into the HCO Book Account in the area the membership
is bought … Membership monies go to dissemination."
Very simple, very clear.
Miscavige has turned the IAS into his personal fund that collects
for him millions of dollars. No one knows how much is taken in and what
it is spent on. No accountability, no participation of the membership who
have donated the money and work hard to keep Scn working. Complete
violation of K-R-C and teamwork.
We have proposed that the IAS be organized as local chapters,
each connected to a central org. Half of the money collected would
remain at the local IAS office to support local activities. The other half
goes to IAS Int to fund global projects. Local chapters would be run by a
council elected by local members and Org execs. IAS Int monies would
be spent by a council that will report data openly to all members.
IAS Statuses are just trickery to get money for nothing. There
should only be annual memberships at a low rate, $200 per year. Thus we
know how many members we actually have and this figure should be
published for each chapter and for IAS Int. People will be encouraged to
donate more to fund projects and will be thanked for their help.
1.3 HCOPL 24 February 1964, Org Programming. Section:
"If the org slumps during this transition period, don't engage in
"fund raising" or "selling postcards" or borrowing money.
"Just make more income with Scientology.
"It's a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary
solutions for finance outside Scientology. It has always failed."
To make things worse, staffs at Orgs, Missions and even the Sea
Org are now made to donate their meager salaries to the IAS and spend
much of their time regg'ing for the IAS and off their posts.
2. "Ideal Org" Project:
Over the past years, the Church of Scientology, under Miscavige's
management, has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the purchase of
huge buildings and their lavish renovation under a program called the
"ideal org" project. These buildings have been purchased in tens of cities
around the planet.
This project is starkly contrary to LRH policy. Based on data
available to us, we have concluded that this project has caused
Scientology huge damage. Violations and damages are:
2.1 HCOPL 23 Sept 1970, Quarters, Policy Regarding, Historical
This policy is grossly disregarded in the "ideal org" project.
buildings, which cannot be paid for by the org, push it into non-viability.
Even when the org pays no rent or mortgage it must still pay real estate
taxes, maintenance and bills.
Section B. states: "Quarters must be close to ample and cheap
student and pc housing, restaurants and transport." We know this is not
the fact for many "ideal orgs." London Org is a good example as is the
"Alhambra" building in Jaffa, Tel Aviv.
Section C.: "Image is a secondary consideration." And, "Staff pay
and food and cheap student housing do more for an org than a posh
building." It seems to us that most buildings were purchased with image
being the dominant consideration.
Section E.: "Expensive office equipment is not a first priority."
"Furniture quality does not influence production."
Section G.: "Scientology supports Scientology orgs and we learn
this over and over." Our orgs have become obsessed with fund-raising
and purchasing of new buildings with little attention and resources
dedicated to moving the public up the Bridge.
2.2 HCOPL 12 March 1975, The Ideal Org
This policy, by its name, should have been the basis for the "ideal
org" project run by Miscavige. But only its name has been taken, with
disregard to the content and spirit of this policy. All of this policy is
grossly violated. Comparing it to the current scene makes one sad.
One point is, "The staff would be well paid because they were
productive." Org staffs are paid dismal salaries. In most countries this is
illegal since current staff salaries are well below legal minimum wages.
The orgs are burdened by too many staff relative to public on lines.
Untrained public are recruited to staff and are then a strain on the few org
staff that are producing. The few upstat staff are over-worked and underexchanged
and ultimately leave staff. Those who stay are forced to
"moonlight" or live off of spouses and relatives. This makes us all look
bad, parasitical, criminal.
Orgs have spent much time and money to train competent staff
members, but then they are sent off to hold wog jobs because the orgs
cannot pay decent salaries.
2.3 HCOPL 27 December 1963, The "Magic" of Good
This policy too is a dream that never came true. Section E., for
example, talks of "The atmosphere of an Organization." It says, "The
spirit of Scientology is one of help…, a hope of getting onward, the one
possible escape from the condemnation of this place. … It's an offer to be
born again." Very moving words from Ron, currently unfulfilled in most
orgs. And Ron concludes this section with, "The atmosphere of
Scientology is a lot more important than new buildings and modern
2.4 Who owns the buildings?
The total value of real estate owned by the Church of Scientology
world-wide is in the billions of dollars. Who does all this belong to?
The Alhambra building in Tel Aviv is still registered on the name
of Attorney Gur Finkelstein (who is in jail for attempted murder and for
setting the building on fire) on behalf of SIRT (Scn Int Reserve Trust).
Who is SIRT? Who does it belong to? Other buildings are also registered
on lawyers' names who represent various corporations.
Our guess is, it all goes back to Miscavige. He probably owns our
property and can take it away from us whenever he so wishes. We may be
wrong, so we who donated the money to buy the buildings, demand
transparency and an honest accounting of the finances and the ownership
of our assets.
3. Destruction of our Orgs
Our Class 5 Orgs, around the world, are in a miserable condition.
Mostly empty with staffs overworked and unpaid, staffs not moving up
the Bridge, org execs powerless to do anything about it, they are made to
look bad by a management that makes nothing of them.
Miscavige lies to us blatantly at events, talking of "Central Orgs"
and displaying flashy graphics of "orgs" with arrows going out around
them, supposedly field activities they open or control. In fact, the orgs are
central to nothing since they are constantly bypassed.
There are just too many references about allowing local
management to manage, about not bypassing habitually, about promoting
leadership at all levels. Some of the most obviously violated policies are:
3.1. HCOPL 28 Feb 1966, Danger Condition Data – Why
Organizations Stay Small
approach Miscavige lately?
Ron explains, "… Russia currently starving … Russia seeks to run
the individual. … they won't leave a manager alone – to manage – they
govern his workers." Russia has since ditched "central planning". We are
still stuck with it. Our org ED's are powerless, docile, on post only if they
have no initiative and no demand for authority. No wonder they and their
staffs are starving or go outside on "moonlighting."
Not clear yet? Ron makes it even simpler, "Thus bypass by the
heads of a big organization of the heads of its internal small
organizations works toward Non-Existence. It is really quite simple."
"To make an org get smaller all one has to do is bypass the
subgroups and run the individuals only and the org will collapse …; NO
WORKS …." And history has plenty examples of brilliant rulers who
brought ruin upon their nations or organizations.
3.2 HCOPL 19 January 1966, Danger Condition, Responsibilities
of Declaring
"If you start doing the work of a post on a by-pass, … you unmock
the people who should be doing the work." And, "If an executive
habitually bypasses, he or she will then become overworked. Also the
condition of Non-Existence will occur."
Our org execs are totally by-passed and are not granted any
decision-making authority. As a result they are in Non-E, and worse, the
orgs are rapidly vanishing.
3.3 HCOPL 27 December 1963, The "Magic" of Good
The current scene with our orgs fully contradicts this policy. Some
points are:
"A. Established Patterns – Follow established patterns of the org.
Don't keep breaking them up (or distracting personnel on post) with new
projects and wild ideas. And don't follow them so Simple Simon that
there's no initiative ever displayed in handling org problems." One rarely
sees org execs who are allowed any initiative. And currently orgs are
mainly busy with reg'ing for the IAS or madly recruiting to fill some wild
quotas for the "ideal org." What does all this have to do with stable
expansion of their orgs?
"B. Upgrade Staff Status – See that people want to work for the
org and make it a pleasant and happy thing to work for the org. … Make
it worthwhile to be on staff. Permanent staff membership should be a
coveted status and an enduring career. … And treat them with courtesy
and respect." We don't know of any org where this is the scene.
"C. Service – Be sure service gets rendered. … Give good service.
Give the people what they came for." Many public we know refuse to go
into the org for fear of being chased by reg'es and recruiters.
"D. Malcontents – See that the place stays clean of entheta and
natter. … If they have a real complaint they'd talk to the management, not
everybody else." We've tried many times to talk or write to management.
Yet we've never been given a response, especially not by Miscavige who
just refuses to be in comm. The substitute has been tough ethics, intended
to intimidate so you don't even dare think of communicating again.
3.4 HCOPL 2 June 1965, Org Ethics and Tech
org." Raising money for the IAS has become a real nuisance. Recruiting
to staff of people obviously not qualified, results in Dev-T, wasted efforts
and no service to public but just a pretended productivity. We were even
told the orgs now have a new stat – donations raised for the IAS.
3.5 HCOPL 31 Jan 1983, The Reason for Orgs
"The only reason orgs exist is TO SELL AND DELIVER
3.6 LRH ED 131 INT of 8 Dec 1970
"Orgs have only 2 major final valuable products. One is welltrained
auditors. The other is satisfied pcs." And, "Tech and Admin
policy exist only to assist making these two products IN VOLUME."
Since 2006 Tel Aviv Org has not completed the training of a single
Field or Mission auditor. This situation is probably true the world over.
3.7 Flag and AO's
With the release of the Golden Age of Tech in 1996, we were
promised fast and totally on-source training that will now open the way to
planetary clearing. With this, RTC inspectors were posted in the AO's and
at Flag, supposedly to ensure "pure" application of Standard Tech.
In fact, the inspectors now run the AO's and Flag, by-passing the
senior tech terminals of the AO's. All major actions, such as signing a
checksheet for the Metering Course or a Class 4 internship are done by
RTC inspectors. Also, Clear attest at the end of CCRD, Eligibility for OT
levels, completion of OT levels are now signed off by the RTC Inspector
even though there is no LRH reference for this and the checksheets
themselves state "Senior C/S" signature.
Thus, the Senior C/S's of AO's and Flag are bypassed, knocked
aside, humiliated, and their authority stripped away.
This also creates a hidden data line. One never knows who made a
decision, who actually gave you a "pass" or rejected your application for
OT levels. The purpose of the inspectors is clearly there to maintain total
loyalty to Miscavige and his control over our Bridge progress, both sides.
3.8 KSW No. 9, "Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect
It's been about 8 years now that the Academy Levels and the
Grades as delivered at Flag are different from those delivered at the other
AO's and Class 5 Orgs. This is excused as "Pilot" and is "confidential",
but keeps us in mystery as to what is going on and debases the validity of
training and auditing in the orgs, since "soon" it will all change.
Even the Metering Course at the orgs requires for its completion a
video pass on TR 4/8-Q1, while at Flag a much lower gradient is
demanded, a pass on e-meter drill 26. Also, Academy Levels have been
shortened at Flag and Grades checklists are shorter at Flag.
The Class 4 Internship at Flag requires a pass on TR 4/8-Q1,
whereas in most orgs the requirement is a pass on a session video, a much
tougher gradient. No wonder training and Grades auditing at Flag are
"magically" faster. But how comes we have had for many years TWO
"Standard Techs"? We thought LRH meant ONE standard Tech!
We are now waiting in suspense for the imminent release of
Golden-Age-of-Tech 2.
3.9 The Drying up of Our Fields
Dror Center has been paying for the past 20 years 10% of its
income to Management. We have received nothing in return – no
advertising, no promotion, no support. Same goes for all field auditors,
Missions, WISE consultants, Applied Scholastics activities.
Field auditors and missions are viewed as "competition" to the orgs
and are not encouraged or assisted in any way. Very few young auditors
are joining our ranks. Our academies are empty and there are very few
new auditors being trained or opening new practices.
4. Promises
Levy Eshkol was prime minister of Israel in the 1960's. When he
ran for office, he made many promises to voters about future projects.
After he was elected it was business-as-usual. When asked about it, he
said, "yes, I made promises, but I never promised to keep my promises."
Miscavige has made us countless promises, most unkept. A
4.1 Superpower – The groundbreaking ceremony took place at Flag
over 20 years ago with a promise this incredible tech will bring about
planetary clearing. Superpower was soon-to-be-released 20 years ago.
Where is it?
4.2 Release of OT 9, 10 – These advanced levels were soon-to-bereleased
many times, many years ago. Where are they?
4.3 Saint Hill Size Orgs and Universe Corps – We were told years
ago that new SH Size Orgs will be announced at every event and soon all
orgs will be SH size. All SH size orgs will have Universe Corps that will
take all staff to OT. Where is it?
This promise was dumped and now we have "Ideal Orgs" whose
only stat is "Sq. Ft." Yet SH Size Orgs were quantified by LRH in stats of
real production – public on lines, WDAH, etc. Rather than production
stats we now have buildings stats. Sorry, not what was promised.
4.4 Fighting Psychiatry – How many times has Miscavige
promised us the imminent demise/eradication/annihilation/evaporation of
psychiatry? But now we are still threatened they are about to shut us
down unless we donate zillions to the IAS. So what happened to our fight
against psychiatry? How come there are still more psychs and shrinks
than auditors?
4.5 New Scientology Dictionary – It's been maybe ten years
already, that on a Maiden Voyage, we were shown the full production
line-up and work done to prepare the new Scn Dictionary. Printing of the
old Tech Dictionary was suspended. What happened? The old dictionary
is being reprinted, with BTB's even, and no word of the new one.
4.6 Clearing the Planet – Imminent clearing of the planet was
prophesized countless times – at the release of the KTL/LOC courses, at
the release of the GAT, at the release of the Basics. And yet we are no
closer than we were 30 or 50 years ago. What's gone wrong? Why aren't
we making it? See HCOPL 8 Feb 1968, Statistic Rationalization, "The
only reason stats are down, ever, is because somebody didn't push them
up. All other reasons are false."
5. Statistics and Secrets
How comes our stats and activities are so secretive? Why can't we,
active, upstat Scientologists be given the true figures of number of people
actively on-lines at orgs world-wide, number of IAS members, GI of orgs
and Internationally, Clears made annually, etc…
5.1 RJ38 of 1984
This is possibly LRH's last recorded talk, given in 1984. In this talk
LRH gives statistics of our new management. Some are: Clears made in
'84 - 1,800; total Clears made up to 1984 - 32,311; International WDAH
weekly - 21,000; number of staff - 7,576; GI per staff - $470 weekly (so
one can calculate weekly GI of approx $3.6 million internationally);
number of orgs - 144, of which 6 were opened in 1983; Missions opened
in 1983 - 53; new public started at FSO in 1983 – 8,273; and more. That
was 28 years ago. What are today's stats?
5.2 Scientology.org: unparalleled growth since 2004
We are told on the official site of the Church of "unparalleled
growth", yet how comes it's all in sq. ft. of buildings. Since when are we
a real estate corporation? Stuff like "total assets and property … more
than doubled since 2004"; "The combined size of Church premises
increased from 5.6 million sq. ft. in 2004 to 12.1 million sq. ft. in 2012."
Impressive, but what good does it do us? We've never seen this stat in
LRH policy. And who does it belong to? Who inherits it after Miscavige?
At the end it says – "Over 10,000 Scientology Churches, Missions,
groups exist across 167 nations ..." We'd love to see a list of the 10,000
activities or else we might think this is somebody's fantasy.
And finally, "The number of people newly introduced … per week
exceeds 26 times any previous week in history." Anybody figure this out?
Why not give us actual numbers?
5.3 Tech dictionary "Security Checking", Def 2.
"Withholds don't add up to withholds. They add up to overts, they
add up to secrecies, they add up to individuation, they add up to games
Miscavige refuses to tell us the truth of what's going on, he refuses
to be in comm, he refuses to take questions at events because he might
then have to answer them, he refuses to meet Scientologists or talk to us.
5.4 HCOPL 15 March 1977, DS 41, Evaluation: The Situation
A few relevant excerpts from this policy:
a) - "Back of wrong data you will normally find an impure intent."
b) - "Now any time you find thirty people on staff being removed because
they were suppressive, you know they had the wrong Why, because the
percentages are wrong. … I can assure you they've left the suppressive on
the staff and I can also assure you the guy that did it was suppressive."
c) - "CLOUDING UP A SITUATION – Occasionally you'll find a scene
wherein a person's or area's PR is greater to him than production – PR,
personal PR, means more than production. And that is a characteristic of
a suppressive. He'll fog the situation up with big PR about how good it is
so it can't be handled."
6. Miscavige's Personal Conduct
Tech Dictionary, Control Case, Def. 2
"The person who feels he must be cold blooded in order to be
rational is what is called in Dianetics a 'control case,' and on
examination will be found to be very far from as rational as he might be."
It is a wonder to us how Miscavige succeeded in amassing absolute
powers to himself, while ousting most other top execs or stripping them
of any authority.
Miscavige's main tool has been liberal use of SP Declares and the
vicious enforcement of disconnection, inflicting suffering on families and
friends while tarnishing the repute of LRH and Scientology.
6.1 High Crimes, as listed in the Scientology Ethics Book
A. "Organizing Splinter Groups ..." and "Organizing a splinter
group …" - YES! Sounds strange but when so many are forced out of the
Church and into the "independent" field, Miscavige is in fact pushing
power to the splinter groups and systematically dismembering the
Scientology organization. If and when the undersigned get declared, and
thus splintered away, it will be more destruction to the Church and a
joyous celebration for the "independents."
B. "Mutiny" - In 1986, at the event notifying us of Ron's departure,
Miscavige himself introduced Pat Broeker as Ron's closest friend, his
confidante, research assistant for the past 6 years, Ron's appointed "Loyal
Officer" and the man entrusted by Ron with the Upper Level materials.
This was even put in writing, Flag Order 3879 of 19 January
1986, The Sea Org & the Future, promoting Pat Broeker, "to the first
LOYAL OFFICER rank." and Annie Broeker, "as the second LOYAL
OFFICER." Both ranked above Miscavige.
Soon afterwards The Broekers were gone. Since then, many senior
execs have been ousted or sidelined. See also section 5.4 b) above.
C. "Refusal to allow staff or public to progress up the Bridge …" -
Two of the undersigned have spent 14 years on OT 7 but were taken off
arbitrarily in 2005. Dani Lemberger was removed because of his thoughts
and concerns about the managing of Scientology. Tami was taken off
because of her husband.
Most S.O. staff and Org staff make very little progress on the
D. "Failure to strenuously act to clean up an 'ARC broken field'
shall be deemed a high crime …" – Those ARC broken are simply
expelled or declared. Easier and faster than getting them handled.
6.2 The "No children policy" in the S.O.
LRH, while establishing and running the Sea Org, researching and
writing materials, still found time for the Second Dynamic. LRH was
happily married to Mary Sue and we believe they had four kids - Diana,
Arthur, Quentin and Suzette. LRH wrote much tech for raising kids,
educating them and maintaining a flourishing family.
It seems like Miscavige has a serious problem with children.
Possibly, having kids will make staff more difficult to control and kids, as
we know, are just a waste of time and money. Miscavige created the "no
kids policy", not based on any known LRH policy or datum.
6.3 SP Declares and Disconnection
Miscavige's primary tool in keeping us under control and cowed is
liberal use of SP Declares. This tool is effective only when a person is in
fear of losing family and friends.
In RJ68 of 1968 Ron says, "You have probably read something
about the reform code … of Scientology. This resulted in … and
disconnection is cancelled as a relief to those suffering family oppression.
It is no longer required on SP orders and a person has to handle."
Similarly, this was also written as policy in HCOPL 15 November
1968, Cancellation of Disconnection. Disconnection was later
reinstituted by Miscavige, against LRH policy.
This is fully explained in lecture 48 of the 4th London ACC, given
on 3 November 1955, Attitude and Conduct of Scientology. Ron says,
"…disconnect them from the organization but not from Scientology. Got
In many cases, this has been made worse by declaring SP's without
a Comm Ev, without publishing the declare and without even sending it
to those declared. Thus, those declared hear of it on a rumor line and have
no chance of responding.
6.4 Miscavige refuses to be in comm with Scientologists or the
public. His only contact with us is standing distant and aloof, on a
towering stage reading off rapidly a prepared speech. Never a question
and answer session, never a meeting with a small group, refusing to even
answer letters addressed to him.
If you are lucky, and have donated generously to the IAS, maybe a
handshake and a photograph, all smiles, to go into Impact Magazine.
6.5 HCOPL 2 November 1970, The Theory of Scientology
"If you ever have occasion to elect a leader for your group, …
Compare record as follows: Take a person who is a good auditor, not
just says he is. … Take the person who can grant beingness to others.
And look at the relative serenity and efficiency of any past command he
may have had. So always elect temporarily and reserve the right of recall.
If his first action is to fire people, recall him at once and find another
leader. If the organization prospers, keep him and confirm the election by
a second one. If the abundance of the organization sags in a month or so,
recall and find another."
7. My Philosophy, by L. Ron Hubbard
"The first principle of my own philosophy is that wisdom is
meant for anyone who wishes to reach for it. It is the servant of
the commoner and king alike and should never be regarded with
"Therefore, in Scientology, we are not concerned with
individual actions and differences. We are only concerned with
how to show man how he can set himself free.
"This, of course, is not very popular with those who
depend upon the slavery of others for their living or power.
"So my own philosophy is that one should share what
wisdom he has, one should help others to help themselves, and
one should keep going despite heavy weather for there is always
a calm ahead.
"For I know no man who has any monopoly upon the
wisdom of this universe. It belongs to those who can use it to
help themselves and others.
"If things were a little better known and understood, we
would all lead happier lives.
"And there is a way to know them and there is a way to
"The old must give way to the new, falsehood must become
exposed by truth, and truth, though fought, always in the end
Dim-chan, Ну да. В аптеке есть почти все травы или препараты из трав.
К тому же есть всякая полезная химия от спирта до перекиси водорода.
Нужно только умело пользоваться.
bereg, Первая ласточка
Я перевёл примерно так.
В этом письме руководители израильской церкви саентологии назначают Дэвиду Мицкевичу (который 30 лет назад захватил церковь после убийства Хаббарда) этическое состояние "Измена".
Немного рассказывается о путешествии в Штаты и о том, что в связи с выходом письма израильтяне потеряли "старых" друзей (поскольку в церкви запрещено общаться с отступниками и вообще с негативно относящимися к церкви), но зато приобрели новых друзей в лице свободных саентологов, ушедших когда-то из церкви по соображениям этики.
Пишется о запрете на любую коммуникацию отныне любых церквей саентологии с отступниками-израильтянами. Обычный приём.
Сравнивают Мицкевича с тиранами востока: Каддафи, Мубарак, Асад и пророчат ему ту же участь.
Оказывается было несколько писем Мицкевичу с обвинениями, но они игнорировались, а Израиль подвергся критике в попытке развала церкви и вообще объявлен вне-этики.
Израильтяне требуют расследования, в основу которого будет положены не мнения, а ислючительно статистические данные.
Рассказывают о себе. Называются Дрор-центр (на иврите - Свобода), существуют с 1992 года. Строилось всё поначалу на голом энтузиазме в пожертвованных помещениях. Теперь они предоставляют МОСТ до ОТ7. Имеют много наград за распространение Саентологии. Свято соблюдают технологию.
Их сотрудники - профессионалы, и их труд хорошо оплачивается (что для России просто нонсенс - работают за гроши).
Требуют снова и снова отставки Мицкевича, хорошо при этом осознавая, что он натравит на них все другие подчинённые организации. Кто-то считает их сумасшедшими, а кто-то мужественными.
Пишут, что во что бы то ни стало будут преследовать первоначальные цели Хаббарда, клировать людей. В приложении есть указание на множество положений, пунктов, которые Мицкевич грубо нарушил. Все инструктивные письма за последние 30 лет должны быть отменены, поскольку политизированы, жестоки и даже разрушают семьи. А Мицкевич взял привычку подписывать подписываться по письмами очень просто: "Основатель", как и сам Хаббард
Кстати, в Свободной Зоне вообще не парятся над изучением "творчества" Мицкевича. Изучаются только тех и админ реального Основателя.
Говорят, что все членские взносы Международной Ассоциации Саентологов (от 75 до 5000 $ c каждого) Мицкевич использует исключительно на личные потребности, а не на распространение саентологии, как это написано в Уставе. Сотни миллионов и даже миллиардов были потрачены на покупку никому не нужных (кроме Мицкевича) зданий. А оформлены они, как выяснилось, либо на непонятных личностей, отбывающих срок в местах заключения, либо на юристов крупных корпораций, вообще никак не связанных с Саентологией.
Пишут, что в большинстве стран штатные сотрудники подразделений церкви влачат нищенское существование (ниже прописанного законом прожиточного минимума). Саентология - это единственная надежда и действенное средство на бегство из духовной тюрьмы, в которой мы сейчас все находимся. И это средство сечас недоступно абсолюному большинству населения планеты.
Те 10% от валового дохода, которые Израиль отчислял в Лос-Анджелес должны были вернуться по идее в виде поддержки, рекламы и должностей. Но этого никогда не было.
Им обещают десятилетиями новые уровни ОТ (Хаббард построил МОСТ только до ОТ 7), но ничего так и не было реализовано. Кстати, в Свободной Зоне [url=http://саентознания.рф/index.php?title=%D0%9C%D0%9E%D0%A1%D0%A2]МОСТ[/url] был достроен полностью до ОТ 48.
Обещаная борьба с психиатрией "усохла" вместе со смертью Хаббарда. А ведь психиатрия наносит огромный вред человечеству, она калечит.
Ни прочие всякие такие претензии...
Ещё разок для тех, кто не в теме: Саентология - это не церковь Саентологии, не Свободная Зона, это область знаний и навыков, ведущих к духовной свободе.
Добавлено спустя 8 часов 3 минуты 25 секунд:
Пора переводить весь форум на саентологическую тематику. Что собственно не проблема, но он при этом потеряет свой колорит. Так что оставлю пока как есть.
Народ меньше начал склочничать и переходит на обсуждение, это радует.
Хочу рассказать как научится думать не в голове.
Думать в голове это просто привычка привитая социумом с детства, от которой полезно отойти или хотя бы знать что есть альтернатива.
Из доступных материалов у нас под руками бумага и набор любых предметов.
И так, задача перенести мышление на некоторое расстояние от черепной коробки.
Для начала используем бумагу. Придумываем в уме несложный двумерный образ а затем повторяем его рисунком на бумаге. Так тренируемся до уверенности и лёгкости. Затем когда всё получается начинаем следующий этап думать прямо на бумаге. Для этого мысленно создаем образ прямо на листе и сразу обводим его карандашом. Тренируемся до уверенности. Следующим этапом увеличиваем расстояние. Привязываем карандаш к длинной указке или рейке, то что есть под рукам и повторяем второе упражнение . Тем самым мы увеличиваем отдалённость мышления. Можно использовать ровный песок и длинную ветку.
То же самое возможно с использованием различных предметов. Для этого создаём комбинацию предметов в уме и затем выстраиваем их в таком положении. Тренируемся до победы. Следующим номером задаём положение предметов в пространстве мысленно располагая их образы на нужных местах, после чего передвигаем предметы по намеченным целям. Так же как на бумаге играемся с расстоянием и ещё с физической массой предметов. Тяжёлые предметы более эффективны.
Писал уже ранее про детокс - очищение тела от всякой дряни. Итог: качественно новое ощущение тела.
Мой опыт здесь.
По моей просьбе хороший знакомый собрал таки фильмец на эту тему, а заодно и прореламировал свою организацию. Учавствовал в детоксе писатель Курдюмов. У него классные книжицы по садоводству и Саентологии. Рекомендую.
Я сам проходил детокс в другой организации, за городом. Полагаю, это удобнее и приятнее.
Но не у всех есть такие возможности и время.
Написал письмо Хаури, мол, надо бы законектиться с Израилем. А он мне пишет примерно как и ты: ну типа, да конечно надо, давай уже сделай это, это было бы здорово
Ппц, как всегда всё самому придется делать.
bereg, Я делаю проще, если что то в зоне моей досягаемости я беру это в работу.
У Макса работы предостаточно по этому он и раздает ответственность инициаторам.
Заметил что музыка, от которой раскачивается в такт зал с периодом примерно как в медленном вальсе, очень благотворно влияет на тело. Что интересно при гармонии с окружающим миром энергия в теле напоминает такие же периоды, что отображается на приборе в виде покачивающей из стороны в сторону стрелки.
Сегодня решил твёрдо положить конец концу света, не смотря на все усилия СМИ и проповедников квантового перехода. В помощь беру только проверенных, иначе завалим поле брани тухлыми окороками
Для тех кто ещё не разучился жевать за компом, маленькая головоломка.
Что нужно что бы создать хорошего игрока? Нужно наделить его нужными качествами.
А какими качествами обладаем мы в данный момент времени? Все мы когда то были существами без особых пристрастий, почти как дети в первые годы жизни.
По религиозным стрелкам все пытаются избавится от плохих качеств, злости, ненависти, зависти, страха. Но есть ещё хорошие качества, любовь, преданность, правдивость, честность, героизм. Как не странно хорошими качествами нас то же искусственно наделили. Какая игра может быть без героев и любви?
Бывают хорошие качества дают человеку меньше шансов на выживание чем плохие,
по этому хорошие герои в игре гибнут пачками.
То что исконно наше в этой игре это опыт самой игры. Все остальные прибабасы в виде орденов званий и лампасов на штанах нам предоставляется по ролям в игре.
Ну и каждая роль наделена своими характерными чертами, Звёзды тут идут мимо не смотря на все старания астрологов. Так как игру ни кто не ориентирует по звёздам,
игра ориентируется по событиям, их очерёдности и времени. Тот кто ждал удобного расположения звёзд уже давно вылетел с игровой доски.
Так что будьте не хорошими и не плохими. Будьте сами собой.
romario-1, чет подумалось, что с тобой возможно один апокалиптический ракурс обсудить.
1) оборудование осуществляющее частотно-волновое воздействие устанавливают в жилых домах массово.
2) ни кто не хочет тратиться на повышение технической грамотности населения, в частности, в той области знаний, что дает понимание как работают и влияют на окружающую среду, и людей в частности, волновые устройства.
3) есть заказчик на изменение общественного сознания, как того, что сходно понимает большая масса людей.
1) уже есть и еще более резко сегментируется фактическое проживание различных социальных групп.
2) акции "за веру" и протесты выходят на уровень погромов, массовых беспорядков.
3) появляются анклавы не признающие существующую власть.
4) власти применяют волновое оборудование установленное в жилых домах.
Для сравнения ссылка на то, какие соображения привели к атомным бомбардировкам Хиросимы и Нагасаки.
Sona, Дались вам эти устройства, им уже сто лет вот вот стукнет.
Отравляющий газ то же не виден и лазерное излучение в невидимом спектре так же.
СМИ выносит людям мозги без всякого хитрого излучения и довольно успешно.
Вечером посмотрите в окна домов и посчитайте сколько включено телевизоров, и всё станет ясно.
romario-1, у меня опосля включения телевизоров, даж несколько штук разом горлового кровтохарканья не приключалось, но эт так, лирика, просто адресом ошиблась, не тому написала, бывает.
Вы не мoжeте начинать темы Вы не мoжeте отвечать на сообщения Вы не мoжeте редактировать свои сообщения Вы не мoжeте удалять свои сообщения Вы не мoжeте голосовать в опросах
Движется на чудо-технике по сей день
Соблюдайте тишину и покой :)
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