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Daniel Merriam's paintings are dreams in full color. They beckon for the viewer to join a journey into the imagination, where the worlds of reality and fantasy collide in an explosion of color, shapes and symbolism. His unique style is the product of solid technical skills, an illustrator's precision and a story teller's sense of pace. Anyone with a sense of adventure and humor who enjoys exploring a work of art will find Daniel Merriam's art an excursion worth taking.
In his quest for understanding, Merriam paints to show who he is and how he feels about the world. His subjects differ as much as his emotions: fear, pain, joy, fun, all rendered in striking watercolor. For Daniel Merriam, painting is a calling, the realization of decisions to bring his life and his art into one complete place. With his personal philosophy built on creativity, art has become his greatest ally.
Merriam's unique visions are layered with colorful imagery in a style he calls esthetic dada, reclaiming the territory of romance and dreams for both classical and contemporary art lovers alike.
сон на Луне..)* хотя это даже не сон, это упоение красотой. не столько краски, сколько просто метафизическая атмосфера окутывает, когда смотришь на такое чудо.
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